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Wigan Album

Woodfield School


Class photo Woodfield Primary School, 1956
Class photo Woodfield Primary School, 1956
Photo: Graham Parkinson
Views: 8,346
Item #: 15510
Class photo taken in 1956. Teacher is Mr Woodcock and the head teacher, Miss Parkinson (no relation!)

Comment by: Timothy Austin on 14th July 2012 at 22:15

I'm on that photo 4th from left, front row. Let me try to remember all the names, going L to R, [Row 1 (front)]: Mrs. Parkinson, Margaret Cunliffe, Stuart Greaves, [could that be Kathleen Holding], Timothy Austin, Susan Parkinson, Timothy Hargreaves, Betty Marsden, Stuart Parkinson, Judith Mitchell, Roger Kenyon; [Row 2:] Tommy Harmer, Norman Parkinson, Thurston Hannon, Christopher Fearn, Graham Parkinson, Billy Sixsmith, Neville Buchanan, Stuart Watterton, Ian ?; [Row 3 (top):] Peter Munday, Alison Austin (my twin sister), Susan Parkinson ?, Geoffrey Nelson, Jeffrey ?, Eileen Dean, Stuart Paskinson.

Apologies for the mistakes, but this is 56 years ago and I'm going from pure memory, which shows what a memorable class it was! I left Wigan in 1958 but I have been back many times : my granny Alice Austin used to live at 85 Wrightington St., one of several houses build by my grandfather. Godbless to all my old class-mates.

Comment by: Susan Bridge on 26th August 2012 at 15:35

Thanks Timothy for knowing the two classmates names I had forgotten! I have remembered some of the names dirfferently - one of us may be right!
back row LtoR Peter Munday, Alison Austin, Susan Johnson, Geoffrey Nelson, Jeremy Smith, Eileen Dean, Stephen Parr.
Middle LtoR Tommy Harmer, Graham Parkinson, Thurston Hannon, Christopher Fearn, Graham Knowles, Billy Sixsmith,, Neville Buchanan, Stuart Watterton, Ian Taylor
Front LtoR Margaret Cunliffe, Stuart Greaves, Rosemary Watson, Timothy Austin, Susan Bridge,
Timothy Hargreaves, Betty Ashcroft, Stephen Parkinson,
Judy Mitchell, Roger Kenyon

Comment by: John Barbour on 30th December 2012 at 20:55

Christine Barbour from Sicklefield is there in the middle bottom row

Comment by: Susan Bridge on 2nd January 2013 at 12:05

Sorry John but the middle girl on the front row is definitely me!

Comment by: Graham Parkinson on 24th January 2013 at 12:57

Thanks everyone for filling in some of the blanks for me. Does anyone have any photographs of the old school building? I have fond memories of my classrooms in the old house bud sadly I don't have any photos. Good to hear from you all; keep well!

Comment by: Susan Bridge on 7th February 2013 at 11:53

Hi Graham,
There is a photo of the "old school" on the following site. Just type in "Woodfield" and "Wigan"

Comment by: John Barbour on 12th March 2013 at 23:13

Yes sorry Susan not Christine Barbour got my sums ! Wrong

Comment by: Stuart Watterton on 28th March 2015 at 20:35

I think the wee chappie below me to my left is Earnie Taylor, a great character. How about a reunion-60 years on!

Comment by: Jennifer Shoreman on 30th March 2015 at 17:02

Yes. I think a reunion would be a great idea. My family left Wigan around 1958/59 but I have such happy memories of my time at Woodfield. I was in the school choir and remember to this day the smell of school dinners! I got into trouble for stirring jam into my rice pudding with no intention of eating it! Su7y4

Comment by: Graham Parkinson on 20th July 2016 at 20:50

Ok then, let's do something about this reunion! I'm up for it and would be willing to coordinate. I still go to wigan to see my mum . She still lives in the same house on Wigan Lane. If anyone wants to get in touch my email is parkinsongraham@hotmail.com

Comment by: Roger Kenyon on 28th August 2018 at 20:09

I've just seen several wonderful pix from Woodfield, which took me straight back to the 50s. If anyone is planning a reunion, I'll be there.

Comment by: Judith Molyneux on 15th August 2023 at 05:14

Asking if the Jennifer Shoreman who posted a few years back lived over the sweet shop on Wigan Lane near Standishgate. And moved. Maybe to Blackpool? If so she was in my class which is two yrs behind this one.

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