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Photos of Wigan
Photos of Wigan

Wigan Album

St Peter's, Hindley


Park High
Park High
Photo: isis
Views: 5,951
Item #: 12823
Park High pupils from about 1981/84

Comment by: Mr Steven Dwyer on 29th March 2020 at 23:05

The year of this fantastic school photograph is 1983 taken in the school library of the now closed park high school formerly Hindley and Abram grammar school in park road Hindley Wigan Lancashire the young lad on the back row third from the left is 11 year old Graham Starkey my old primary school friend and neighbor and former work colleague I started park high school on Tuesday the 11'th of August 1981 also aged 11' years old at the time the school teacher on the left is Mrs sue O'Neill my former physics teacher and she is the wife of the former Wigan rugby League player Mr Phil O'Neill Graham's sister Kath also attended park high school but she started when it was still known as Hindley and Abram grammar school she was two years above myself when I started in 1981 I don't recall the name of the other female teacher or the names of the other students but have to say it is an absolute pleasure to see this photo after all these years and vividly remember every year when the school was due to take the annual photograph's for New and older students and teachers under the watchful eyes of our honourable headmaster Mr Trevor "BIG TREV" SNOWDON BA the headmaster of the entire school God bless them all.🌹✊

Comment by: JW on 13th March 2021 at 18:14

This photograph has been posted under the wrong school, it should have been posted under Park High School, Hindley.

Comment by: Unknown on 28th October 2021 at 02:49

Witch is u Mr Steven dwyer

Comment by: Mr Steven Dwyer on 13th June 2022 at 15:43

I'm not in this school photograph who are you "unknown"!

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