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St Peter's, Hindley


Before & After
Before & After
Photo: Isis
Views: 4,658
Item #: 12705
I saw this photo on the internet of Hindley South station - before & after and since I in the area near what used to be The Strangeways pub now The Paddock I wandered if anyone else now recognize the area in the two pics.

Comment by: Jean J on 1st December 2009 at 00:18

Walk the dog regularly at this spot and its so hard to imagine a station was once there. It floods around here too sometimes.

Comment by: Jim Farrington on 1st December 2009 at 10:31

Dr Beeching should rot in Hell for what he did to the railways.

Comment by: Dave Taylor on 2nd December 2009 at 11:09

You should note that the two views are looking in opposite directions, which may not be immediately apparent!

In the top (original) view we are looking towards Amberswood common and Strangeways West Jct. which is just under Liverpool Road overbridge; wheras in the later lower more modern picture, we are looking back towards Strangeways East Jct. Here one could carry straight on along the GC route towards Bickershaw and Abram Stn. and it's associated level crossing on Bickershaw Lane. Alternatively you could fork off to join the LNWR main line from Wigan Springs Branch to Manchester Exchange. Spent many, many happy hours tramping this old line. What a pity previous governments of both political spectrums didn't have more vision and less vested interests in destroying the superb railway system that the Victorians bequethed us!!

Comment by: winder on 2nd December 2009 at 19:37

I think much of what you're saying is going right over most peoples heads, Dave, they won't have a clue what your talking about.It's good though that there is someone, like yourself, who is interested in how the old railways used to work.
I too have walked the line to see the traces of what was once a working railway with over 40 train workings a day at peak times.

Comment by: B Rigby , on 11th April 2014 at 23:33

Hindley South Station ,holds many happy memories ,I grew up,close to this station ,during the summer months in the early 50s , on a Saturday around teatime ,returning late evening we could go to Blackpool on this line it was a real treat ,for us kids in those day ,I also spent most of my courting days in the early 60s ,waiting for my boyfriend now (hubby)of 50 yrs coming from Irlam steel works after his 2/10 shift hail rain snow or blow I waited for him getting off that train on Hindley south station ,or if he was going on a nightshift ,waveing him off on the platform ,Saturday nights ,even xmas and newsyears eve , he worked on the blast furnaces at Irlam st/wrks and the place never stopped, it must have been love the waiting I spent on that railway station ,!!!!!!!!!

Comment by: Garry on 16th December 2015 at 15:57

How can you go to Blackpool when the line terminated at Wigan station rd.

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