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St Cuthbert's, Norley Hall


St Cuthbert's Staff
St Cuthbert's Staff
Photo: ASmith
Views: 8,787
Item #: 12417
Back row l-r. ?,Magee,Darwin,?,Barton,?,?,?.
Front row l-r. ?,?,Riley,Murphy,?,McArdle,Hurst.
Please fill in the missing names and memories.

Comment by: Jathbee. on 3rd November 2009 at 16:05

Miss Haydon back row third from right. Lovely teacher.
Miss Howard front row third from right. A right old tartar.

Been caned by Joe McArdle and by Rosie Howard. lol.

Comment by: Keith Guest on 3rd November 2009 at 19:14

Back row far right. Is that Mrs Doherty(Spelling?)

Comment by: Jathbee on 4th November 2009 at 16:07

You are right Kieth it is. She never caned me. lol

Comment by: al on 4th November 2009 at 17:32

mr murphy caned me many times, i must of been a bad lad cos he was a true gent

Comment by: al on 4th November 2009 at 17:37

mrs darwin back row 3rd left had red hair with a temper to match lol

Comment by: bigt on 8th December 2009 at 20:42

back row 2nd from left Miss McFarlane ?

Comment by: Bob Gallacher on 5th January 2010 at 01:46

other fellow on fromt row Peter Christopher, Miss Fleetwood 3rd from end back right, had the cane from Joe Mc, Mr Murphy and Mr Christopher. Mr Christopher went to St Peters Orrell later.

Comment by: mary l on 14th January 2010 at 19:37

Back row left, Mrs Hall.
Front row left, Miss Miller

Comment by: bernard on 14th February 2010 at 00:01

went to cuthberts in late 50"s early 60"s,remember most of them.last year was in mrs darwins class ,right about the temper,lol.32 in class 31 passed 11 plus great school


Comment by: Beth Burke (nee Hall) on 28th April 2010 at 23:18

My Mum is 1st left at the back next to Miss Magee......She was Rose Hall and she took the choir.....it would be in the 1950's.....Sadly she died in 1992.....she left myself and my brother &6 grandchildren.......she had a beautiful singing voice and she loved teaching...

Comment by: virginia talbot on 25th September 2010 at 18:08

I remember MRS hall - taught me in junior 4, she wasmy favourite teached, really kine - I rmember with great fondness - taught me in 1970 though.

Comment by: chris sweeney on 18th December 2010 at 21:03

joe mcardle used to smoke like a factory chimney

Comment by: john meehan on 14th January 2011 at 20:11

hi, on the bottom row in the middle of brendon murphy and smokey joe mcardle i think its miss howard.

Comment by: m.johnson on 15th March 2011 at 19:32

gerard finan back row

Comment by: Steve Banks on 21st June 2011 at 20:47

Wierd to see that so many of my teachers from the mid seventies went back as far as the 50's! I was there up to 1976 and remember Mrs Docherty, Mrs Hall, Miss Darwin, Mrs Magee, Mr Murphy - others there were Mr Toman, Mr Dean, Mrs Hanley (my Dad's cousin), Mrs Barton (really nice) - excellent time!

Comment by: Dave Hitchen on 3rd October 2012 at 13:13

My mam Ada was a Dinner lady here for many years. I left in 1965 and also had three older stepsisters who went to the school, their names were Kathleen, Pat and Margaret Flood.

Comment by: tony stevens on 14th October 2012 at 17:57

went to st.cuthberts infant and jnr 1954 to 1960 joe mcardle great teacher firm but fair,had brill time with my best mates alan cocharan (corky)and terry byrnes

Comment by: carole stopford on 8th May 2014 at 13:38

I remember mess ing about with a school chair, put my head through the bar at the bottom, and got it well and truly stuck, teacher was livid and sent me to Mr Murphy, I had to walk down the corrider holding this school chair in tears, wondering what the headmaster would say, he was lovely, got the caretaker to come and relieve me of my headgear, thought I was going have a coronary, when I glimpsed the saw in his hand, and Mr Murphy lifted the waste paper bin up, and said it was so the blood wouldn't go all over the floor, I didn't do that again, I can tell you

Comment by: Shaun McEvoy on 12th May 2014 at 13:06

Mr McArdle was a tuff teacher who I think became very bitter as he aged, he got seriously ill in the late 60s and my mother was his nurse while he was in hospital and all the other teachers constantly got updates about his condition from my mother via me, his illness was smoking related as he was a chain smoker. He ruled the class with an iron fist and he used to punish pupils by making them lie down flat on the floor and make them raise their feet a couple inches off the ground with straight legs, if your heel touched the ground you got a whack with a ruler on your legs. I have to ask my mother when he eventually passed away. Mr Murphy got the MBE or OBE and he proudly showed it to us all at a special school assembly in honour of his award, a great headmaster. I have a class first communion photo taken I think in 1967, I will put the photo up in the next few days as soon as I work out how to. Mrs. Lowe used to be my art teacher in the annex and I am sure she rather be called Ms Lowe. Playing marbles in the school yard was a big deal and I used to love ringing the bell at the end of recess and at afternoon recess we used to sneak around to the canteen and they would give us any left over food. My family emigrated to Australia in 1971 at the age of 12 and I was in second year at St Thomas Mores when we left and I can assure you schools were very different down under and I am still here at 56 years of age and loving it.

Comment by: Shaun McEvoy on 13th May 2014 at 02:38

Correction, I just found my first communion certificate signed by Canon Carney and the year was April 3rd 1965 (My birthday) not 1967 as stated above, I will submit the class communion photo with as many names as possible (my memory is fading) and a copy of the certificate. My email is sgmc@adam.com.au

Comment by: Christopher Boyle on 6th November 2018 at 19:35

Although most teachers were kind, Hurst and Darwin could be sadistic bitches. If you ever lost your ruler and Hurst found it, she would wack you on the hand before returning it. Darwin kept a cane in the window ledge. I was well behaved and never received it but as I was about to leave, she toyed with giving it to me merely because I had not had it.

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