Wigan Album
St Peter's, Hindley
Photo: Dennis Miller
Item #: 11242
Caption says it all.
i used to attend the playgroup her till i was about in 1974
What a shame this great building has gone.
That wall is still there though, around the new nursery.
I remember riding on Trolley buses round this corner pre 1956
I thought this building were Buckingham Palace.. although I were only four at the time
its so nice to se an original picture of my school when i was a young lad
whot a lovely picture, it was my infant and junior school then i went to argyle sec in 1962.those were the day's
I attended Saint Peters School from 1949 to 1955 ,and many happy memories ,Mr Hindley was the head master ,my 1st teacher was MissEatock and following Miss Rothwell Miss Close MissLyons MR Shaples and last but by no means least MR FRED SCARBOUGH ,even tho some of them, were strict and scary ,these teacher were the best and truly cared for the well being of their pupils ,and the likes of them will never be seen again ,,why they demolished this school and built the eye sore in its place ,I don't understand beacause it has nothing to match the beautiful CHURCH standing on the opposite corner ,CHURCH and SCHOOL went hand in glove with each other ,its sad to see this little town neglected ,since powers that be did away with our URBAN DISTRICT COUNCIL !!!!!!!!
The`owd navvies lumper`has a good memory.I was at St Pees from 52 to 57,and agree with every thing he says ,you didn`t contradict Lumpers in my day,hard lads!I lived at the Old Chippy opposite Charnocks on Liverpool road, a stone`s throw from the lump.
Kevin Hughes ,I certainly do remember yr chippy across the road ,from charnocks grosery and drapery"S shop ,I think yr mam was called Annie and was yr Dad like yu Kevin.it was a real treat my mam calling at yr chippy for our super on Fridays,do you remember,the Yendleys and eric Judson they lived in the same row as yu ,,that's a long time ago ,I lived in Harper street ,same street as the Dole (labour exchange )and my name was Barbara Gibson ,its good to remember times gone by , liverpool road and the lump had some real salt of the earth people ,something we don't see much of today ,,am I right in thinking when yu left Liverpool road ,yu moved to castlehill . nice to chat !!!!
Went there about same time as you navies, same teachers, great teachers they were too. Do you remember the smell of the fresh bread from the bakery over the school wall and frozen milk when it was cold. Was the Memorial Hall demolished along with the school.
I also remember the lovely smell off bread being baked in the xcell brakery (not sure how it was spelled ,and im sure the memorium hall was flattened along with the school , Happy Days at St Peters
I went to St Peters school in the late 50'sand began in Mrs Havards class. The head teacher was Mr. Hindley then followed by Mr. Lloyd.Remember doing 2 years in Fred Scarbroughs class too must have been short on space at the time. It was a lovely old school and I have lots of happy memories of my time there.
I can remember my Mum who came from Hindley talking about Navvies Lump....Where is it & why was it so called ?3v2
my great, great grandfather was headmaster here in the 1880s. His name was Joseph Eckersley
I started at St.Peters in 1944,and left in 1948,it was a good school,I remember Miss Eatock and Miss Rothwell and Mr Hindley,Mr Scarbough was in the forces when I started,and I well remember the first time I saw him,he was a great teacher,and I enjoyed my years there.
Great to hear from the owd navies lumper,what a good memory you have Barbara!Yes I remember Barbara and Delia,and Eric(always popping round for a gas shilling)Keith Dootson and Eddie Toughey would have lived close to you,I think.What a great child hood we had down Liverpool Road.
Barbara Gibson,did you have a brother Bobby?
I lived on liverpool rd in the 50s opposite Actons corner shop, think the reason it was called navies lump was Irish navies built the road up (lump)to run the railway under.
I lived on liverpool rd in the 50s opposite Actons corner shop, think the reason it was called navies lump was Irish navies built the road up (lump)to run the railway under.
I lived in Mawdsley St. In the 50/60's.Teddy and Jane Actons shop was at the bottom of our street.Teddy was a bus driver,he was a very nice bloke.
Jane and Ted were relatives .
My grandma Mrs Worthington lived on Mawdesley Street,we lived on Longton Street
Was your grandad Noah.I remember Eddie,Dennis and Kathleen Touhey and of course Johnie the ice cream man.