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St George's C. E. Junior School, Wigan


St George infants 1959 or 1960
St George infants 1959 or 1960
Photo: Jem Glover
Views: 4,423
Item #: 11233
St Georges infants about 1959 or 1960 Miss Smith was the teacher i think only did 18 months at this school like a few on this photo moved a way from scholes when the old house came down

Comment by: wizzerwin on 19th July 2009 at 13:45

where are you on here jem

Comment by: Helen on 19th July 2009 at 21:56

Happy smiling faces in the days when children were dressed as children & not as minature adults.

Comment by: Jem Glover on 23rd July 2009 at 21:50

Awreet Barry I am the one on the next to back row fourth in from left next to the lad with glasses

Comment by: Babs Strickland (Barbara Ashall) on 19th October 2009 at 23:41

I always thought Miss Smith was very glamorous!

Comment by: stey fishwick on 25th October 2009 at 02:41

Glover,can't keep you off photos on WW,posing get.Didn'tknow you went to St Georges,mind you you'd be in infants when i was leaving

Comment by: Mary R. on 28th October 2009 at 15:49

I thought the two lads on the front row from L to R was Cliff Higham and Joe Hill but realised they are better dressed than our day. Still its a very flowery summer looking pic, very pleasant but looking at that cobbled paving cant think in St Georges were is was taken.

Comment by: cliff higham on 8th November 2009 at 22:22

Hi Gem, great pic, your cousin Sue said you didn,t go to St GEORGES, it looks like you to me,same name, oh, she.s not always right, let me know if you have a Blan connection.
I,m sure I,m right, rock on.

Comment by: Steve Hogg on 22nd January 2010 at 19:50

This class of children were all born in 1954/55. Miss Smith taught Infant 1 and so the year is 1959. The infant school was located in the downstairs section of the building and the classrooms were built around the hall.
Underneath the hall was a dining hall and a large area that I recall was used for storing jamjars that were taken to school by pupils and recycled - I also recollect that we would take foil milk bottle tops that I believe were also recycled.
If you are lookig at the front of the school building there was a cobbled "road" that led down the right hand side of building to the infant yard. At the bottom of the road it bent around to the right. The yard itself contained a large "cave" at the top and was seperated from the junior yard by a high wall.(I say high but then I was only two foot nothing!)
I'm not the world's best for remembering names but I can offer a few (please forgive me if I make any errors): I can't help with either the front row or back row but the row of boys standing - third from the left John Lowton, third from the right Stephen Berry.
As for the seated children I am sat second from the left and Andrew Sherrington is second from the right.
I know that if anyone else posts names I will remember them.
Best wishes to all in the photograph.

Comment by: Jem Glover on 24th January 2010 at 22:06

Cliff are Sue wrong again.A few more names,back row far left Jean Nelson,lad next to me with glasses Gareth Lowton,front row forth from left Lynn Grindley then Trevor Headmanson,Terry Major.Third row from teacher sixth from left Pey Griffiths,then Pauline Moore

Comment by: jem glover on 25th January 2010 at 22:08

More names,3rd row from teacher 5th from left Janet Cartwright,back row far right Susan Fairhurst.2nd row from teacher 7thfrom left david Rosco,9th Harold Mather also there,s no h in Eadmonson think its coz his dad was the head at Whelley school.

Comment by: pat simpkin nee bradbury on 16th February 2014 at 01:30

hi this is me 4th left at the back near miss smith i loved this school

Comment by: pat simpkin nee bradbury on 16th February 2014 at 23:58

2nd row on right at the end in white dress is elaine wynne i went on to whelley school with her

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