Wigan Album
St Nathaniel's, Platt Bridge
Photo: Ann Winstanley
Item #: 10702
I think I recognise some of the people in this photo - am I correct?
Front row from right - 1. Eileen Howard 5. Ann Stevenson 6. Eunice Bibby 7. Sandra Dewhurst.
Middle row from left - 1. Valerie Batten
Back row from left - 5. Roy Kingsley 6. Derek ?
Back row second from left Harry Stevens from Ingram St off Moss Lane.
Middle row, 1st on left, is that Fiona McKinnon? Her father was the local GP,
The girl you mean is Suzanne Liptrot of Moss Lane. Fiona Mackinnon is on other school grouping.
Sorry, I was looking at the wrong line,the girl you meant was Valerie Batten. Fiona is on the group out side the school taken in the early 1950's with Mrs Moore ans Mis Marsh on, she is in the front row.
Front row continuing left from Eunice Bibby, then Sandra Dewhurst is me Brenda Richards. Behind Eunice is Ann Reid and to the right of Valerie Batten is Kathleen Ainscough.
Happy Days.
fourth from left centre row Ellen Gorner
Far right back row is me: Gordon Topping. I don't regognise the teacher or his name.
Some of the people in ou class were:
Agnes Deaken, Margret Hatton, Derek Walker, Brian Robinson, Tony Bold, William Kirkham, Lawrence Jolly, Suzanne Liptrot, Sandra Dewhurst, David Jones, Marylin Morris, Eunice Bibby, Kathleen Ainscough, Ellen Gorner.
There are probly a few more that I can't think of just now.
Who do you remember?
gordon iam dereks brother james we lived in sydney street are derek was in the bb.my mam was vi and dad was tommy he worket at lut.are derek died in 2004.there is me and my wife and kids and dereks kids left thanks gordon
Gordon,the teacher was Mr Lowe I think.He was a very kind teacher.Not sure where I am.Remember all the names and surprisingly all the faces.I recently met up with David Jackson after 45 yrs.He is sending me a CD of the reunion he went to very recently in Abram.Sad to hear that Harry Stevens had died.Now live in south Wales after a few moves around the country
My interpretation of the photo.Back row MrLowe.R-LGordon Topping,Joe Bevan,me,possiblyAlanSmith,?,DerekWalker,Roy Kinsley,Tony Bold,David Ingram,Harry Stevens,?.Middle R-L Lawrence Jolley,Bill Kirkham,?,?,Ann Reid,Ellen Gorner,?,Kathleen Ainscough,Val Batten.Front R-LEileen Howard,possiblyDorothy Hunt,?,possibly Sandra Herd,Ann Stephenson,Eunice Bibby,Sandra Dewhurst,Brenda Richards,possibly Marylin Morris ?.Most of the ones on this photo went onto Moss Lane until finishing school in 63/4.I hope I'm right with identifying the one's i've named.Please correct me if I'm wrong.Anyone out there who went onto ML on this photo,apart from the ones aleady in contact with me,please contact me.We had a ML reunion Dec last yr.We are having a re-run,probably Oct this yr.About 30 lads 3 girls were there.Bucks Head,Abram is the venue. We would like more to come next one.They were great times both St Nat's & ML.Await replies with anticipation.
Further to tha last posting,Front row from r-l,(2)is Dorothy Hunt,(3)Suzanne Liptrot,who I'm told sadly passed away recently.(4)is Sandra Herd.The 2 girls far end,as yet unamed.Middle r-l (3) Margaret Jones,(6)Doreen Pearson (7)Frank Holden.Back r from r (5)possibly Harry Rothwell.Can anyyone supply the 3 miising names please.Wigwann & Brendell get in touch please, either thro'here or em.I'm already in touch with Marilyn M re the next reunion.Regards Brian'Robby'.
Sorry, re last posting,should be middle row l to r.
Barry H.also has my email as my server won't connect via the WW site.
Why have I been air-brushed out of this photo? I was in this class but was obviously absent from school when it was taken.
David, this was the year we were moved up, that's probably why you are not on the photo.
Hi David, Marilyn has put it correctly. Your picture, which is on with the class above your correct age group was because you and the others were moved up for a year. The two group photographs of Mr Young's class and Mrs Ashton's were taken on the same day. The backgrounds are alike. I remember you being moved up for that year and you caught up with us for the last year meaning you had Mrs Ashton for two years.
I think it was unusual to have a photographer in school as we only have those class photos from junior school and some other posed ones taken in lessons. I recall a couple of carefully posed ones in a PE lesson and I think one or two of the other photos on this page were taken in the infant school at the same time as they are carefully arranged.
We had a fancy dress party at Christmas in the last year and I think you came as Alladin. Ring any bells?
robbo sandra herd past away 6wks ago god bless her she was in my class hope we can get more girl this time
Les, Thanks for the above posting re Sandra & also the one on the ML page re Margaret Hatton.May they both R.I.P.At the time of your posting, I was due to visit Sandra's older sister,Jean,who lives in P/Bridge.Your posting stopped me doing so & prevented me causing further upset to her family.Many thanks also for the info you have supplied in our efforts to trace some of the people re the ML reunion.'Robby'
i just found out that gorden topping died last mouth he on the photo next to larance jolly god bless gorden realy nice bloke inew him at moggy lane school and is mam dad had shop in moss lane R.I.P
Back row extreme left, Alan Tudor.2 girls end left, still not named.Anyone who knows please complete .
Isn't the girl on far left middle row Valerie Batten?
Hello all, the girl second row first left is Valerie Batten aand next to her is Kathleen Ainscough. In front of Valerie is, I think, a gild called Marjorie and if memory serves she and the girl next to her joined our class during that year.Looking forward to the reunion. Ann
Wigwam asked if Alladin rang any bells. That was Quasimodo - but I am slowly getting there!
Love this picture, brings back so many memories, great times great people.
Sorry to have to say that I will not be able to make it to this next reunion. I live in Norfolk now which is a bit of a trek, however we were planning to come but I have previous arrangements already for that day. Please say hello to all for me. So sad to hear of all the people that have passed on.
Sorry to inform you all that Marilyn died yesterday - 27 July, 2022 - at 8:15 in Wigan Hospice. Sad loss to family and friends.
So sad to read this, even after all these years she was remembered fondly.