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Golborne Girls Secondary Modern
Golborne Girls Secondary Modern
Photo: Glenys Cunningham (Mangnall)
Views: 6,124
Item #: 10690
Not sure what year this photo was taken would be between 1961/65 Class B

Comment by: CK on 12th May 2009 at 22:24

Hi Glenys
How are you these days? Drop me an email and I will tell you who I am :-)

Comment by: Elaine Taylor nee Topping on 12th May 2009 at 22:33

Where am I.
I must have been off sick when this was taken.

Comment by: Paul on 13th May 2009 at 07:14

Beverley Salisbury?? 2nd from right front row.
Elaine Ashcroft?? 3rd from left middle row (next to Glenys).
Not seen you for years Glenys even though I live not 500 yards away (if I'm right where I think you live)

Comment by: Glenys Cunningham (Mangnall) on 13th May 2009 at 11:17

Hi Elaine you must have been off sick can you help with any name that i have forgotten
Top row L-R Linda Tanham ? Anne Halliwell ? Enid Hampson Susan ? Daphnie Graham Jean Midgley
Middle Row L-R Myra Snailham Me Edna Ascroft Irene Osendolf Irene Winstanley Christine Wysoska
Bottom Row L-R ? ? Norma Robinson Paula Riley Christine Robinson Susan Jobe Sylvia Burton Beverley Salibury Irene Deluce I have got two more photos will dig them out you may be on them

Comment by: Glenys Cunningham (Mangnall) on 13th May 2009 at 11:39

Hi Paul thats right i live just around the corner I have walked past your house loads of times but never seen you I have put names to the ones that I can remember its Edna Ascroft not Elaine Edna was my best mate in school the last I heard she was living in Plymouth I think her sister Pearl still lives up Park Lane Do you have any photos of Abram school? I have seen the one from Golborne boys

Comment by: Elaine Taylor [Topping] on 13th May 2009 at 16:52

Hi Glenys,
Top row4 Susan Winstanley
Bottom row 3 is Anne Marie Underwood,
Can't help with any of the others. would love to see any other school photo's you have.

Comment by: Glenys Cunningham (Mangnall) on 13th May 2009 at 21:20

Hi Elaine
I managed to find the other photos you may remember some more names glad you are on one of them

Comment by: valerie cross nee noon on 19th March 2013 at 13:50

Hi Gleny's long time no see i must of been off there is a space lol

Comment by: valerie noon cross on 7th January 2014 at 14:23

haaa there is a space for me there but im not on this one maybe i'm taking it lol .

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