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Photos of Wigan
Photos of Wigan

Wigan Album

H. J. Heinz, Kitt Green


Shooting Stars ?
Shooting Stars ?
Photo: Heinz 5750
Views: 4,527
Item #: 9963
Northern Factory marksmen of the rifle section taken in June 1970.
Can you name them?

Comment by: Mick on 21st March 2009 at 01:00

Is that Norman Rowley, kneeling front right?

Comment by: Les on 21st March 2009 at 13:27

Looks like John Dakin back row 2nd from right, he worked in engineering stores.

Comment by: Gerry on 4th April 2009 at 19:15

Bill Mawdsley is top right, he is my Brother and he knows everything !! he will name them as soon as he gets my e-mail

Comment by: Bill Mawdsley on 5th April 2009 at 01:49

Top row, left to right, John Cathcart, Jimmy Rigby, John Dakin, me.

Bottom row, left to right, Tommy Pendriss Tony Griffin, Norman Rowley. All circa 1969 'ish I think.

Comment by: John Dakin on 5th April 2009 at 12:52

Thanks Bill, brings back memories of great nights shooting against other teams.

Comment by: Gerry on 6th April 2009 at 11:20

Having met some of them, its obvious why most of them wore straight jackets

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