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22 Comments![Bolton Road, A-in-M](/album/5/bm3w7gmr.jpg)
Photo: Margaret Jones
Item #: 9720
I was born in the end house 116 bolton rd i think it was around the time of abram pit disaster not quite sure people seem to be out waiting for funeral to pass bye my eldest sister was born 1926 and it was before her time . My grandparents pictons lived there before us .
What year was this Margaret? Any more pics like it?
sorry phil can,t help you but it must be long time ago as you can see trolley buses used to go passed our house and i remember them our name was Anderton before i married peoplewho livedin the row Anderton, Cottom , Claton, Fairhurst. Harrison,Sankey. Selby.
Hi Margaret, Is this looking North towards Platt Bridge. E.T.
Eric is looking north like you said but we were not very far from Ashton they clled us Town Green houses all knocked down but some shops still there.
made a mistake on last comment should have read called us town green'
Thanks Margaret, I used to go to the old army lorry scrap yard just lower down on the right. Jack Radcliffe ran it and Les Turner was a mechanic there, he lived just on the right off picture. E.T.
Actually I think this is looking down towards Ashton cos you can just see St. Oswalds dome on the sky line on the right and most of those houses are still there....Ilive on Bolton Rd. at Stubshie and Les Turner used to live opposite me .Jack Ratcliffes was lower down next to St.Lukes School..In fact I still get my car serviced by Phil Turner ,Les`s son on Armoury Bank garage.
Hi Ray, Please give my regards to Phil' Turner, we are not related by the way. Tell him I drove ex army Austins for Jimmy Eckersley at Hindley and his Dad, Les,taught me a lot about trucks. Thanks, E.T.
It is looking towards ashton there were four row of houses knocked down we were facing bryn rd south and on the right nearer to ashton was a haulage contracter the name was jones if i,m not mistaken and the pit accident could have been edge green no 9 1932.
Your right Margaret it is a lot further down than I first thought and is opposite Bryn Rd. South. The new park known as town green park now stands on that very spot. Do you know where the original Town Green was ?.....It was actually across the road just up Bryn Rd. South on the left and it started life as a paddock where stray animals were put and owners or buyer used to come and reclaim them. that was in the days when fields had no fences or hedges round them. 15th,16th,17th. century.
I don't think the dome in the back ground is St Oswalds church from this angle it would not be in view, it's more likely to be Thomas Cromptons Record Mill on York Road
David ..Go and stand on the footpath opp. the Tesco Express and look towards Ashton. If that`s not the top of St.Oswalds Church in precisely the same position as in the photograph then I`m having halucinations...LOL
I stand corrected driving back from Asda Golborne this morning I had to eat my words, anyhow I have found a pretty good photo of Thomas Cromptons factory I will post shortly, thanks Ray.
It won't be the dome on St. Oswalds in the background, the present church was only built in the 1930's long after this photo was taken
It is St Oswald's, but it's not the dome of the present church. It's the tower of the previous church, built on the same site, which stood from the 1820s to the late 1920s. The old tower, which was an addition some time after the orginal building was not quite in the same position as the current dome you can see from Bolton Rd.
There's a photo of the old church on here.
sorry Annie i have not looked at the photo for a long time but i think our grandparents was in the house before us and i am not sure who was in the pitchure our Vera says that was her in the long dress guessing game.
Margaret only just seen your last comment on this picture. I had to laugh at your Vera's comment I THINK IT WAS LONG BEFORE HER TIME DON'T YOU? GOOD PICTURE OF YOUR ERIC ON ANOTHER PAGE I HAVE SEEN
I read in the comments about Jones Haulage Firm on Bolton Road, my Grandad Albert Edward Jones had that and my dad Albert Edward Jones Junior worked there too. We lived at 47 bolton road and my grandad lived at no 55 Bolton Road. I am trying to find any info about my grandad family, I have pics of the haulage firm, I will have to ask my mum to dig them out and then can put them on here
We lived at 92 Bolton road,opposite the papershop