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Photos of Wigan
Photos of Wigan

Wigan Album

H. J. Heinz, Kitt Green


Bowling Champs
Bowling Champs
Photo: Colin Robinson
Views: 5,301
Item #: 9447
A Group of Storagemen at KittGreen Heinz on the old 57 Club Bowling Green, 1996

Comment by: Colin Robinson on 22nd February 2009 at 15:26

Back row left to right; Graham Pye, Colin Stewart, Aidy Woodcock, Kevin Smith, Front row;Tommy Woodcock, Malc Craig, Colin Robinson, Neil Duffy, Paul Large and Jack Holland.

Comment by: Dave Thomas on 26th February 2009 at 13:05

Now i know why I could never find any of you at Lunch time. Got more years in than the great train robbers.

Comment by: boydy on 18th July 2010 at 04:02


Comment by: Aidy Woodcock on 31st August 2011 at 23:27

Great times, great people. Colin if you read this get in touch pal ;)

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