Wigan Album
parkside colliery
4 CommentsPhoto: Graham Carr
Item #: 9433
Notice the brand new roll of conveyor belt probably destined for one of the newly developed
These photos are technically superb,notice how the flourescent ligts are pure white and not giving off a horrible lime green cast that you would normally see.What film and filtration did you use for this shot Graham.
Thanks for your comments Roland,i'm pleased you are enjoying
the photos.The film this shot was taken on was Fujichrome 400 slide,camera Nikon FM,fltration was FLW magenta filter to convert daylight balanced film to suit the kelvin temp of the flourescent lights,exposure was 12 secs @ f11.Various filters where used underground as there where tungsten,mercury vapour and sodium lamps as well as flourescent,so every light source emits a different K temp.You also obviously had to allow extra exposure time due to using a filter,this particular one was around 2 stops.
I was the loco driver that day,tsremember it even now,that belt was for the bunker,god it was cold that day.That,s where i parked it after comming from WMA,after all these years i still miss it
I was a loco driver too, I've always missed it, great times then...