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Westwood Power Station
Westwood Power Station
Photo: Bill Eatock
Views: 3,531
Item #: 8909
Unsure as to the year photo was taken. Shows the power station from the old access road in Westwood.Looking at the condition of the area it was abandoned and probably ready for demolition.

Comment by: Ronny on 11th March 2010 at 16:45

I like this picture. It has a strange quality about it. It was obviously only taken with a basic camera, but I think it makes it more interesting. There's a dreamy, peaceful character about it.

Comment by: Bill Eatock on 26th March 2010 at 18:33

Glad you like the photo, Ronny. It was a VERY basic camera. A little disc model I used to keep in my pocket just in case I spotted anything of interest. With hindsight I reckon I should have invested in a better model.

Comment by: Ronnie on 29th November 2010 at 18:11

From that angle the power station reminds me of an ocean liner at berth! Why do Wigan Council destroy their great buildings?

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