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H. J. Heinz, Kitt Green


MPO agreement
MPO agreement
Photo: Heinz 5750
Views: 4,454
Item #: 8904
Staff & Supervision team on MPO negotiations, July 1985.

Comment by: Heinz 5750 on 4th February 2009 at 05:15

Left to right;
G.Gee, I.Cheetham, P.Seddon, P.Murphy, E.Kordzinski, W.Gunn, J.Hill, D.Mills, K.Davies.
Seated; N.Buck, K.Castle, D.Williams, R.Stewart.

Comment by: Doreen Morters(Fairhurst) on 1st April 2009 at 22:43

I notice Peter Murphy is there on the back row -centre. Mike and I live in the States now but we met you Peter and your wife Eileen, on a visit over there about 2-3 years ago. My sister Carole Walker and her fiancee, Ian came with us to meet you. That was the first time we had seen you in over 40 years. What a lovely re-union. Our E-mails to you recently keep on coming back undeliverable???????? Probably spending all your time with your new grandson. Let us know how you all are.

Comment by: Betty Nagel on 22nd May 2009 at 15:29

Paul Sneddon and Robin "Batman" Stewart both ex Harlesden all looking smug knowing that MPO (more people out) would lead to job losses

Comment by: steven castle on 8th March 2010 at 20:31

thats my dad second left r.i.p.

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