Wigan Album
Highfield FC
Photo: George Liptrot
Item #: 8797
Back Row lr - Bill, Derek Shaw, 2 Unknowns (sorry), Richard Green (Goaly), 2 unknowns (sorry), Peter Wilson, Jack Thompson.
Front row lr - George Liptrot, John, Eddie Dugan, David Cunliffe, 2 Unknowns (sorry lads)
Any comments to add in the missing names would be appreciated.
b taylor, d shaw, m aitken, f livesey, r green, r don-duncan, ?,p wilson, j thompson, f,row g liptrot, j garside, e duggan, d cunliffe, a winstanley, s taylor.
thanks very much Joe
The name you are missing is Jeff Balmer (now a teacher at A/ Guest
I have just come across this site as I now live in Mid Wales and we've just got the 'lecy on.Well i've not changed one bit, well maybe i've gone taller.What a great suprise and pleasure to see this photo, which i'm proud to say I still have my copy although it cost me 2-11d, and come to think about it George Liptrot I bought you a pint in the Railway Ken Gee saw it and you never bought me one back, it was Double Dimond so that's 10d you owe me.How are you all, I get up yo Wigan quite often now,Im still with Nora and have two grown up sons.The last competative game I played in was in the Herefore F.L. and I was 44.The lags have gone now but up to then I played regulally. I remeber John Heaton arranging a reunion of players about 15-20 years ago, it was a pleasure seeing all the lads, so if there's another then let me know (e.mail)VERY VERY HAPPY DAYS.
Richie Green,
What a blast from the past. Your goalkeeping was like my defending, grim. Frank Winstanley still runs the team, & we have talked of another re-union. J Heaton had a bad stroke, about 8-9 yrs ago will let you know when it is organised
Vince you rascal you, how are you, glad to hear that the team is still going. With regards to my goalkeeping you know I had rickets and lepracy down one leg,and it was hard to dive in all that mud when you've just washed your hair with Vim and slicked it down with Co-op dripping.Hope the re-union comes off and I shall be there whenever it is, I will moniter this site comtig.....konti.....cintonu....all the time , all the best, Dick.
I have an old press cutting of our Sunday team when we used to play in the Warrington FA,it was made up mainly of Highfield lads and a few from A.P.B.it was when we won some cup. Can some one please tell/show me how to put a photo up for your veiwing?????I am useless on this computer, so if someone was to take pity on me please treat me as an idiot, and simplify everything. Please help as I think it will amuse some of the old lads. Cheers Dick
Please cancel above I've been helped and the press cutting is up for comments.
Well, well, if it isn't 'Robin Hood'. As Vince said you are a blast from the past. Really good to hear from you and please give my regards to Nora. Some of the ex Highfield players still see each other either watching Latics or in the pub. Saw George Liptrot and his brother Tony today we talked about this photo of his and this site. All the best mate keep in touch.
Hello all .saw harry on friday .had a great laugh about the good old days .good to see richard green is well .vince keep going liked the comments .keep in touch all the best gl .
Harry , Vince and George and Tony , Merry christmas to all of you and all your families . We shall be up to Wigan over the christmas period to see Nora's dad Ernie, he's 90 odd and still going strong.If you are going to get together in a pub over the period let me know and I'll wait outside with my pop and chrisps, as I shall be the youngest ????? hope you are all well, happy days .Nora's still as bossy as always, have to go and peel the spuds .
Richie, hope you had a good Christmas with Nora and the family in Wigan and sorry to miss you as I have only just seen your last posting. I have quite a few photos that I am preparing to put on the site as soon as I have sorted out the right dates and names to go with them. One is the double winning side taken at Springfield Park when we won the Wigan Cup.
Hi any photos of Highfield fc in the 70s when we played in the Bolton combination thanks