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Photos of Wigan
Photos of Wigan

Wigan Album

H. J. Heinz, Kitt Green


Heinz team building
Heinz team building
Photo: mike yates
Views: 5,698
Item #: 8771
Beans centre team building at the Beech Hill hotel Windermere 1989
This pic is outside the Sun Inn on the last night of the course

Comment by: Heinzworker27 on 1st July 2009 at 21:21

Can any body name them all

Comment by: mike yates on 13th August 2009 at 19:51

fromback left - ?(trainer) Chris Gannon, Mick Martindale, Ste Melling, Ian Duffy(ret), Mick Yates, ?(trainer) Derrick Entwistle(ret), Bob Hughesret), Frank Strahan(r.i.p) Bill Dawber(ret), Richard Greenwood(ret),
Sat at bench from left - Jack Oakes(ret),Eric Benyon(ret),
Maurice Sharples

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