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Photos of Wigan
Photos of Wigan

Wigan Album

Wigan and District Brass band


London bound 1972
London bound 1972
Photo: Cyril Ashurst
Views: 3,120
Item #: 8655
Photo taken as band prepare to leave for London finals 1972

Comment by: Stephen on 13th January 2009 at 19:15

Now that looks like a band who are about to win summat.
With typical bad timing i had recently left and was playing with Haigh. So, although it's 37yrs late, congratulations lads on your 3rd section win

Comment by: Terence Nicholson on 14th September 2022 at 00:50

That picture was taken on the market at Wigan just before we left to go to the Nationals in London. We stayed at the hotel adjacent to Victoria railway station and I got in trouble for deciding to go "Walk-a-bout" in London on my own one night!... Seemed like a good idea at the time, Mr. Cavil did not agree!

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