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liverpool road
liverpool road
Photo: wes knight
Views: 3,497
Item #: 8229
liverpool road late 1880s i think.

Comment by: wes knight on 9th December 2008 at 19:03

hello brian there is a referance to stoney lane top right and low green very bottom if its any use, thats all i have that direction, i have a town directory with slackey fold 1925.

Comment by: Jim Latham on 10th December 2008 at 14:51

The map loks a copy of part of "The 25inch Map of Lancashire Disk 3- Liverpool and Southwest Lancashire.
3 maps were produced between 1888 and 1893. The maps were drawn to a scale of 1 to 2500 (approx 25 inches to the mile)

Comment by: danni on 10th December 2008 at 16:35

Stoney Lane was the old name for Liverpool Road

Comment by: Robin Leigh on 13th December 2008 at 21:34

See what's left of this on Google Earth... 'Amberswood Lake'
at 53°31'43.79"N 2°35'26.26"W.

Comment by: Carol on 31st January 2013 at 14:22

Can anyone please tell me where was 225 Liverpool Rd in 1901 and was it a house or a hospital?

Comment by: Lumper on 21st March 2013 at 11:12

Carol,225 Liverpool rd was a mid terraced 2up 2down house.These houses were built for either miners or for the navvies who helped build the railways.

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