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Map of Scholes c1910
Map of Scholes c1910
Photo: Norman Sharples
Views: 5,220
Item #: 8154
The map shows most of the places under discussion but unfortunately just misses Longshoot

Comment by: stewart walsh on 26th March 2009 at 21:31

I am trying to find the clockface inn, 47 scholes. As my great great great granddad was born there according to records any help ?

Comment by: Eric J on 23rd October 2009 at 10:46

Would be nice if anyone can send in any more photos of the Greenough st area.

Comment by: Ian McL on 6th January 2010 at 16:45

Stuart sorry about the delay but after nearly a year I've only just seen this picture! The Clock Face Inn was on Scholes just after the crossing - ie where School Lane crosses Scholes and becomes Warrington Lane. On this picture it's roughly the 4th building on the right hand side going up Scholes,behind it is a gap in the buildings which on my map ( different to this 1907) is called Warrington Lane Terrace. Hope this helps

Comment by: tony k on 20th April 2011 at 19:43

i wound like to find the true way the river douglas went before it was change to make way for the
railway the old bridge was on the corner of cromton st and station road thank you

Comment by: John Dootson on 20th October 2011 at 14:13

When I was a lad I used to brag that I knew every street in Wigan. And there it is, EVERY STREET, off Greenough Street facing Turner Street.

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