Wigan Album
Rectory c of e school
27 CommentsPhoto: Ste Lomax
Item #: 8002
Back Row [Boys]: ? , John Calder, Gary Bibby, Ian Gore, ? , Graham Austin, James Hodson
Front Row [Boys]: Alan Collier, Phillip Crompton, Geoff Hunter, ? , Christopher Heaton, Billy Sherrett, David Simm , ? , Stephen Lowe, Me , ?
Front Row [Girls]:? , Wendy Hill, Anette Shaw, Susan Speakman, ? , ? , ? , ?
Sat Down: Paul Mason, ?Williams, Gillian Lathom
Sorry for everyone else i cant remember, I remember faces but not names. Apologies too everyone else.
girl on front row lh side, looks like elizabeth williams.
hi ste hope u well,what memories,great photo thanks for sharing x
hi shirley, im fine thank you. hope your well. wheres the time gone?carol lavin jacqueline preston dawn moore threemore names come to mind. im surprised ive remembered so many.
thanks for the name david ,surprising how you remember when you see it written down.
Hi Ste, top row first right is Karen Seale. Brilliant picture!
hi ste next to me is susan jones,i remember everyone you named,but cant think of anymore,think we all went to same hairdresser lol x
hi its me again,just spotted lyn perkins,far right 4th row down,can you remember teachers name?
not a clue name of teacher.is it christine clarke back middle.not many girls escaped the barbers bowl ha ha!
yea youre right thats christine clarke,cant beleive were all nearly 50 or already 50,were as the time gone x
wheres the girls from the rounders photo? wendy randall ,susan knight etc.
wheres the girls from the rounders photo? wendy randall ,susan knight etc.
hi ste,last time i saw wendy she was working in natwest bank in wigan that were a couple of yrs ago,dont know about susan never seen her since i left school x
hi shirley .i meant why were they not on this photo?
oh dont know ste, be honest with you hadn't really noticed must have been in different class x
Here's a few more names for you
Back row [Girls]: Linda Johnson, Christine Taylor, ?, ?, Christine Clarke, Me, Shirley, ?, Susan Culley, ?, Karen Seal
Back row [Boys]:Christopher Steel, Jphn Calder, Gary Bibby, Ian Gore, John Lowe, Alan, Graham Austin, Jeff Hodson,
Seccond row [Boys]: Alan Collier, Phillip Crompton, Jeff Hunter, ?, Christopher Heaton, Billy Sheratt, David Simm, ?, Stephen Lowe, Steve, Alan Woods
Second row [Girls]: Dawn Moore, Wendy Hill, Anette Shaw, Susan Speakman, ?Walker, Pat Green, ?, Lynn Perkins.
Front Row: Paul Mason, Elizabeth Williams, Carol Lavin, ?, Jane Woodcock, Gillian Lathom, Jackie?, ?.
thanks for those names barbara ,big help.i thought this was a year photo not a class one .so did wendy randall and susan knight arrive later ?
hi barbara hope you well,thanx for the names like ste said were have the years gone 'scary'but good memories,used to be scared to death of mr lowe lol take care xx
hi ste,just remembered another face left of gill,jane woodcock lived across from our lady's downall green road x
hi shirley, thanks for that but barbaras already named her in her list.where not that far off now.
back row: left to right, karen?, christine taylor, angela chapel,lynne clark,christine clarke, barbara wright, shirley roberts,susan jones,susan cully?,anne miller, karen seale
back row boys: christopher steal, john calder, garry bibby, ian gore, john lowe, alan clarke, graham austin, james hodson
front row boys:alan collier, philip crompton, geoff hunter, richard marney?, christopher heaton, billy sherrett, david simm, christopher ?, stephen lowe, ste lomax, alan woods
front row girls: dawn moore, wendy hill, anette shaw, susan speakman, jean walker?, pat green,?, lynne perkins
sat down:paul mason, elizabeth williams, carol lavin, jane woodcock, gillian lathom, jacqueline preston, ? fairhurst
back row boys: christopher stead, not steal
sat down, far right anthony fairhurst
hi wendy,hope you &francis are well. angella chappell in the rounders photo looks a different girl.how many are we short now.
Hi to you all. I'm not on this photo as I only joined the school during that year from Liverpool. I remember most faces & names, its great to see it. cant believe it we're all 50 this time. Isn't it Jane Woodcock at the front? or have you already mentioned her. Where the rounders team photo that you mention? Am i on that one? Dont remember ever seeing it!!!
hi wendy,go on to school's north ashton rectory the rounders picture's on there,hope you ok are you still working at bank.take care xx
The teachers name was Mrs Prince ,hope that helps.
great-well done you lot remembering all those names!! Hope you are all well. I live in St Albans now-where are you lot now?? Jean x