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Standishgate, Wigan
Standishgate, Wigan
Photo: Darren Bishop
Views: 5,427
Item #: 7753
Standishgate, Wigan. Note old post box, bottom left corner and old style striped traffic lights.

Comment by: Art on 25th October 2008 at 01:19

Where the farthest awning with what looks like a "Jowett Javelin" parked in front, was the "Gate Snack Bar", run by the Greens 3 daughters. That was opposite the "White Horse Pub". We used to meet in the Gate, then go for a pint in the pub in the 50's...Those were the days..;o)

Comment by: John on 25th October 2008 at 11:16

If you compare the scene today, the only building that still remains in a similar state is what is now Subway at the corner of Mesnes St and Standishgate.
On the end wall to the right of the picture is a bill poster showing "Rope of Sand" which was a film released in 1949 starring Burt Lancaster.

Comment by: Stephen on 25th October 2008 at 11:36

One of the other posters on that wall (partially obscured by the top of the traffic lights) is Fennings. These were some kind of remedy and tha slogan used to be 'Fennings little lung healers}. I wonder what scientific backup they had for such a claim.

Comment by: Jean J on 25th October 2008 at 18:09

Fennings Little Healers are still available at chemists. I remember the shop thats now Subway being a music shop and you had to go downstairs to the record dept where they had booths where you could listen to the record before buying it. Great picture by the way.

Comment by: Art on 25th October 2008 at 22:07

The shop on the right (just in view), was Malbys beer wine & spirits retailer & wholesaler.
The Nymans shop was Bulloughs Radio TV & domestic (white goods ) shop

Comment by: James on 26th October 2008 at 01:32

I remember the Subway shop being Rumblelows. I can remember the record dept. being down stairs. I can remember buying Mud records for there in the 70's.

Comment by: cliff H on 26th October 2008 at 16:18

The traffic lights at this junction were the first ones in Wigan.
great pic Darren

Comment by: jimmy on 27th October 2008 at 10:38

just past the first awning there used to be a good pie shop. I think it was Voses.

Comment by: tony j on 27th October 2008 at 18:42

past the first awning,in the row, used to be a music shop, chamberlains, i seem to recall.

Comment by: Joan Beckett(Wilding) on 28th October 2008 at 00:56

they were lung healers my mum swore by them, made me take em all the time no bloody wonder I ended up with big boobs hahaha

Comment by: christine on 3rd November 2008 at 22:43

Mitchinson the florist was near Voses pie shop

Comment by: Kath on 30th November 2008 at 13:37

My Grandma, Marion (Minnie) Crawford, was landlady of the 3 Crowns pub on the left going down Standishgate around the late 30s early 40s. The black and white building could still be seen much as it had been when it later became Freeman Hardy & Willis shoe shop.

Comment by: Fred Mason on 29th April 2009 at 18:30

Ah, the memories. I used to be a butchers boy in 1961 and worked at Smailes in the market hall and delivered minced beef to Voses to make their pies with. They were excellent pies too. I rode a bicycle with a frame at the front just like Granville's and there was a large tin tub full of mince placed in it for Voses's. I also worked as a salesman, aged 17 at Bullough's next door later on. I would but a meat pie for my lunch, from Voses's, and eat it in the top room overlooking the street. Good old days.

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