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Wigan Album

Lower Ince

1 Comment

St Mary's Walking Day, late 1940s
St Mary's Walking Day, late 1940s
Photo: Rev David Long
Views: 3,324
Item #: 7705
From Bill Rimmer, who is carrying the banner as the procession passes the Cemetery Lodge on Warrington Road. Next to Bill is Oswald Tomlin The size of St Mary's, and its dominance of the scene, is impressive.

Comment by: Meggie on 22nd October 2008 at 13:42

Those were the days when people were proud of their faith. Nowadays you're considered to be a little bit odd if you go to church when you could be at a car boot sale for instance, or the Trafford Centre etc. Call me old fashioned but I don't think times have changed for the better, at least not in this respect.

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