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Beech Hill


Wellfield Hotel, Beech Hill
Wellfield Hotel, Beech Hill
Photo: Keith Bowen
Views: 6,034
Item #: 7447
Taken at the same time (mid 1960's) as the other two photos, this shows some of the younger regulars. Surnames include, Joynt, Barker, Weaver, Roscoe?, name of the dog unknown.
My parents, Jack and Phyllis Bowen, were the first tenants of the Wellfield Hotel, built by Greenall Whitley in 1956 and it was the first new pub built in Wigan for over 50 years. It opened on February 14th 1956, with the Mayor and representatives from the Brewery present.
My parents retired from the Wellfield in 1974 and my mother passed away in 2001 aged 81, three weeks after celebrating her 60th wedding anniversary with my father who still lives in Wigan and manages a few games of snooker each week, he's a "young" 93. He's also Wigan's oldest living ex-Rugby League player, having "come up north" from his native Llanelli in 1938. He left Wigan RL after completing his 10 year contract in 1948 and had a final season with Leigh RL, 1948-49, the same season he also played for the Welsh RL team.

Comment by: Frank Healy on 29th September 2008 at 16:04

John Roscoe at the rear.

Comment by: keith charnock on 1st October 2008 at 00:48

names left to right billy joynt,keith charnock(me), peter harrison ?barker, john roscoe,dennis joynt, john barker dennis clarke frank barker

Comment by: Wigan expat on 1st November 2008 at 13:29

Is the guy on the end at the right Peter McGee by any chance?

Comment by: Ashley on 4th November 2008 at 10:52

Afraid not, I think I'm right in saying he's Frank Barker who at one time emigrated to Australia then returned but I believe may later have gone back to the land of Oz.

Comment by: James (jimmy) Gallagher on 19th July 2009 at 16:45

I was brought up with all these guys, we all went to Sacred heart school except Kieth. I can't understand how I'm not in the photo, perhaps I was away at sea (merchant navy) I am in touch with Frank Barker in Australia, appreciate anyone getting in touch with me. Maybe Kieth Charnock or Kieth Bowen or anyone who knows me.

Comment by: christopher tolley on 14th June 2016 at 01:55

Hi sorry to.bother you. Is.ur.father.still alive?

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