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Photos of Wigan
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Wigan Album

Market Place Wigan 1893


Market place Wigan c1893
Market place Wigan c1893
Photo: Lynne Cook nee Bishop
Views: 5,644
Item #: 7389
Market place Wigan c1893

Comment by: wigan1957 on 22nd September 2008 at 11:24

cracking owd picture of wigan...thanks

a then and now pic would be great .

Comment by: trewyth on 22nd September 2008 at 14:22

1893 seems a little early, Lynne. The display above Lowe's reads "ER" (Edward?). Edward VII ascended the throne in 1901 I think. Also trams didn't appear on Wigan's streets until 1901. Could it be a celebration of the coronation?

Comment by: Lynne Cook on 22nd September 2008 at 14:50

Thanks for that Trewyth. Someone has written 1893 on the back of the photo. Your guess sounds right to me. I wondered what all the flags were for.

Comment by: Lynne Cook on 22nd September 2008 at 15:33

E.R. could be Elizabeth's coronation

Comment by: Paul Stebbing on 22nd September 2008 at 19:41

A fantastic photo! It's far too old a photograph though to relate to the Coronation of the present queen. It almost certainly shows the coronation celebrations for King Edward VII who was crowned on 9 August 1902.

Comment by: John Stopforth on 23rd September 2008 at 15:38

What a lovely photo, 1902 looks right. I posted a photo earlier of my grandfather under, people, families, Stopforth and the clothing looks the same. The date I posted was a guess. Could be my photo was taken in 1902 as well.

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