Wigan Album
Shevington AFC
Photo: David Hair
Item #: 7255
I am sat in middle with ball at my feet, Ken Prescott is on my right.
Cyril Kennedy is the goal keeper & John Fairclough is on back row 2nd from left.
Others are Peter Foster, George Wilcox, Frank Martland & Brian Pitcher.
Can anyone help with the rest?
Freddie Lathom is the man on the far right wearing glasses and a mac.
I know some of there faces but cant put names onto them.
Front row on the right,could that be Graham Pearson?
Goalkeeper is Alf Ricketts not Cyril Kennedy. Cyril Hankey is on Alf's right. Tommy Wilkins is first on left, Back Row.
This is the full team.
back row{l to r).
Tommy Wikins,John Fairclough/Cyril Hankey,
Alf Rickets,Brian Pitcher,George Wilcox,Alan Sharples,
Front row(l to r)
Peter Hooton,Kenny Prescott,David Hair,Peter Foster,Frank Martland,Fred Lathom.
I think the manager was Maurice Allan, not pictured.
I took this photo. This was taken during the same season this team won the Wigan Cup on the old Platt Bridge Miners Welfare ground
The names are left to right( standing )
Tommy Wilkins(reserve),John Fairclough,Cyril Hankey, Alf Rickets, Brian Pitcher,George Wilcock, Allan Sharples, Fred Lathom (Club Official),
Left to right (sitting)
Peter Hooton,Kenneth Prescott,David Hair, Peter Foster, Frank Martland
We didn`t have a Manager, just a couple of volunteers/offiials who did all the chores including picking/selecting the team, first aid/cold sponge and taking photos etc.