Photos of Wigan
Photos of Wigan
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Wigan Album
Thomas Linacre School
Thomas Linacre form 5ET 1963
Photo: Ray Armstrong
Photo: Ray Armstrong
Views: 5,146
Item #: 6973
Item #: 6973
back row- Chris Buxton,Bill Whittaker,David Balderson,Graham Forester,??,??,Leonard Hampson,John Walters.
middle row- Shaun Leigh,Ray Armstrong,Malcolm Riding,??,David Dandy,Barry Morris,George Orrell,Don Yates.
front row- Malcolm Birkett,Dennis Pilling,Ian Townley,John Houghton,Bill Riding,??,Colin Hollinshead,??,David Murphy.
Apologies to those I could not remember, and to those whose name I may have mis-spelt.
middle row- Shaun Leigh,Ray Armstrong,Malcolm Riding,??,David Dandy,Barry Morris,George Orrell,Don Yates.
front row- Malcolm Birkett,Dennis Pilling,Ian Townley,John Houghton,Bill Riding,??,Colin Hollinshead,??,David Murphy.
Apologies to those I could not remember, and to those whose name I may have mis-spelt.
Comment by: george orrell on 7th August 2008 at 19:22
cliff moss was one david stanton was another,his dad had a pie shop in pemberton.
Comment by: Brandon Hilton on 8th November 2011 at 12:35
I was in the same year but in form 5ST. the two lads unidentified on the back row are Bev Thompson and Ian Simpson. I don't know the blond haired lad next to Malcolm Ryding. I can't remember him at all, age blurs the memory. The lad on th front row far right is frank not David Murphy.
Front row, second from right, is David Melling. He went on to be a chief planning officer for Wigan Met.
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