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Photos of Wigan
Photos of Wigan

Wigan Album

Market Place, Wigan


Market Square 1929
Market Square 1929
Photo: John
Views: 3,170
Item #: 6648
Photo showing bus turning into Market Street from Market Place. Interestingly the tradition of a man selling newspapers on the street still goes on today and although over the years the building at the top of Library Street has been many disguises like today with Witherspoons back in 1929 it was a pub.

Comment by: Dougie on 13th July 2008 at 16:34

John please keep the photo's coming there good having the buildings in the background make them better THANKS

Comment by: aitch on 13th July 2008 at 16:34

Nice photos of the buses John, I noticed they all have their starting handles fixed, it was hard work pumping those around, not that I ever had to use them, but we had an old Thames trader at the Wagon works which had the starting handle permanently fixed on, and they could snatch your arm off if you weren't careful.

Comment by: Mick on 13th July 2008 at 19:47

Was the pub The Cross Keys?

Comment by: Bob Aspey on 14th July 2008 at 20:05

My Dad was a Motor Body Builder at the Depot in Melverley St and he used to tell me it was a nightmare trying to maintain the buses with starting handles. The drivers when returning the buses to the "shed" at night got too close to the bus in front and pierced a perfectly round hole in the rear panel of the bus in front. When I used to point these holes out to him when the buses were passing he would fly into a rage and say "Blinkin eck" or something similar because he would have to fit a new panel on that bus the next day........My Grand-dad was also the Chief Inspector and he used to turn purple....Happy Days

Comment by: Bob Aspey on 14th July 2008 at 20:27

Is that "Blakey" walking past the bus?

Comment by: littlelaner on 16th July 2008 at 16:09

Bob, A mystery solved, us kids always thought they were bullet holes

Comment by: Bob Aspey on 16th July 2008 at 21:07

Sorry Little Laner, the bullet holes were in the side panel !....After passing down Little Lane....Naughty Bob!

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