Wigan Album
John Pit football Team
11 Comments![John Pit Football Team](/album/7/cqxhtqjs.jpg)
Photo: Fred Sentance 4th left back row.
Item #: 6419
Giants Hall coal tip in background.
Any more names, maybe Art can fill in the gaps when he sees it.
I remember watching Robin Hill Drift football team in the 1950s. The opposition were guaranteed to come off the pitch limping badly.
Well I can see Chris Wilkins,(ex Crooke & Gidlow houses) in the glasses & suit, Terry Marshall, one of the Shoveltons from Crooke & if it's the Fred Sentence I knew from Beech Hill, who went to live in Coppull. We went to the same school. He was an apprentice fitter at Johnpit, I was an apprentice electrician.
I think that pic was taken on the top tech field between Christopher park & Frodsham Farm, & that's the washer dirt rook in the background
Correction tolast post. That is the same field I said, but Giants Hall Dirt rook, not the washer (just noticed summat on the pic, I didn't see last neet...hic! ;o)
Could Art who replied to my photo who knew me from work
as apprentice's let me know who he is so i can contact
him for a chat.
Howdo Fred, if you remember any from the electric shop,the Culshaw brothers, I'm the younger of the two, not much different to you in age (Gidlow, left '53)
at the time there was you, Bulger, Bill Taylor, Jack Sedgwick & Jack Critchley, apprentice fitters.
Jack Dennett's on these boards somewhere, you'll remmber him, the underlookers lad.
I finished a Johnpit in '60, just before te pit closed for business
Hello Art.Do you remember Horace Smith our gaffer.There was also Bert Powell,John Fillingham,Wally Moore and Harry Green working with me.Living in Chorley,but still support Wigan.Played with their youth team and also Pemberton Utd.
Yep Fred, I remember Horace (always had cotton wool in his lugs), he lived in SLG, as I still do. John Fillingham AKA "Bulger", I've already mentioned, Bert still lives in Crooke I think. Wally Moore, I know his son Keith as well. There was also Jack Thomas, left the fitters & went on to be a "shotty". Jack murphy (deceased now). Eric ?, from new Springs.
In the electric shop we had: Bert Parr (boss), George Woosey (rugby player) Jack Penney, Tony Webster, George Lee, Ron Everett,Roy Benson, Denis Culshaw (deceased) & me, his bro', Jack Dennett, Owen Jones, Brian Larkin, John Speed (deceased). I suppose I've missed a few from both shops, but its 50 odd years ago innit?
If you look in: Photos of Wigan > album > work > mining. You'll find some pics you may remember of Johnpit & Standish Hall Drift...One of yours truly in the Low Hall Group.
Hi,Art.Did you know Alan Derbyshire who lived in Giants Hall Road.He was my cousin.Whilst at Gidlow school i lived at 109,Wellfield Road,Beech Hill.My dad was a bus driver,he was a regular on Martland Mill route.I think it is great finding out about the old times,and old work mates.
Yes, I knew Alan,& his sisters Ann & Phyllis. They lived next door but one to us, but moved to Standish in the 50's I think. Their mum & dad had Standish legion for a while.
Hi Everybody, Most of these lads were at the pit when I started in 1958 I can see Billy Dickenson front left he still lives in beech hill, No sure about the lad on the back row far right, There was a lad killed at the pit and I am not sure if this is him I cant remember his name.