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Photos of Wigan
Photos of Wigan

Wigan Album

Market Hall


outdoor stalls
outdoor stalls
Photo: allan
Views: 3,751
Item #: 6259
markethall and fishmarket

Comment by: John on 2nd June 2008 at 21:40

Hands up how many of you would run and punch up at the tarpaulin covers covering the stalls and wet their friends through with the rain water that lodged in there !!

Comment by: Art on 3rd June 2008 at 19:23

This & theprevious pic, must have been taken when the "Pot Fair" was on. The only time Woodcock St was closed to traffic.

Comment by: Jimmy on 9th July 2008 at 00:19

I remember going to the pot fair with my Mum and nan in the early 70's. They bought a box for 25p which they thought was a clock. When they got home and opened the boxes it was a old orniment of a man on a bike!

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