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Leg O Mutton Pub
Leg O Mutton Pub
Photo: John Collier
Views: 5,474
Item #: 6230
This pub was opposite Hindley Town Hall at the junction of Wigan Road and Cross St Hindley

Comment by: dingerbell on 30th May 2008 at 00:40

Last 10 weeks of living in Hindley----2 doors from pub L/H side--mum & dad's place.
R/hside of pub was Rothwell's bread/cake/pie shop.

Comment by: vera howarth on 21st June 2008 at 16:09

dingerbell-hoe youdon't ind me printing off this picture of the Leg.The pub was in my mothers family for many years and I spent many happy hours as a child there.Thanks so much forputting this on here.

Comment by: Tina Adamson (Hill) on 18th November 2012 at 14:41

The 1911 census shows my great grandfather, Abraham Hill, as the puiblican. Does that tie in with your relations?

Comment by: j houghton on 9th January 2015 at 01:46

Hi. does anyone know if the leg o muutton pub was the original or was there a previous one on the same site which my relation was publican in 1858 his name was thomas whittle who had a daughter jane who was a dress maker. im sure they were related to the whittles ladies & gents outfitters which was on the main shopping street which is now a hairdressers.jane also lived in chapel street. i would be gratefull of any info on the pub ur said whittles.thankyou.

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