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Photos of Wigan
Photos of Wigan

Wigan Album

St Catharine's, Wigan


Photo: lucky_lady_0404
Views: 7,153
Item #: 6225
sum ov the classes

Comment by: k.ascroft on 24th May 2009 at 11:23

mrs.closes class.front row?l to r.?nicola walters,alison worrall,sameena hussein,vicky?,?,zoe round,katherine moss.second row.lto r.chris round,dave sharp,paul pugh,danny myers,?,wayne tarbuck,stu knowles,3rd row,l to r.dave sinclair,barry burgess,kieron ascroft,paul woolham,leon rushworth?,damian eatock.back row l to r,?,carol leanord,louise bannister,donna maloney.the teachers,mr.savage,mr.sherrington,head.mrs blackhurst,all i can remember,can,t see ian frost, missing?

Comment by: kath moss on 7th May 2011 at 22:16

lol this must b the only pic i have of me lol

Comment by: Rebecca on 28th September 2011 at 21:56

AW what a great photo,we all look great haha.Hope eveyrone is doing well.A mix up in class year in this photo.

Comment by: Vickie Hotchkiss on 8th October 2011 at 16:51

Who could forget the one and only fantastic Rebecca Swift, front row sat next to the chubby one....no not Zoe, me lol Vickie. Can anyone remember why we had a mixed up class? I like to think its because we were so intelligent we skipped a year ;)

Comment by: Chris Round on 11th May 2013 at 11:40

please take this photo down off here. THE SHAME

Comment by: zoe on 14th February 2016 at 23:55

lol . . . cant believe Ive just come across this :)

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