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Photos of Wigan
Photos of Wigan

Wigan Album

Crooke Village School


Crook School Aprox 1963
Crook School Aprox 1963
Photo: Julie Gibson
Views: 5,595
Item #: 6062
This was took when i was apros 7/8 years old I'm on the bottom row 2ad from the left if you would like any info please get in tuch thanx julie xx

Comment by: John on 6th May 2008 at 10:05

The photographer did a good job getting all the kids to look straight at the camera and keep still (except the lad on the front row third from the left who must have been a right little fidget)
Notice all the front row have their legs neatly crossed. And what about the varied hand knitted pullovers and cardigans, no official school uniforms in those days. The little chairs they are sat on were the national school standard chairs that everyone would put onto their desks at the end of the day before final prayers. Good memories for someone who was a similar age back in 1963

Comment by: Julie on 7th May 2008 at 08:19

Yes there some good memories with this photo, but sadly there are one or two of the pupils not with us anymore i would love to hear from anyone who is on the photo or is realted to anyone, Its good to keep in tuch. Thanks for the intrest shown what a wonderful sight this is.

Comment by: paul wilson on 11th June 2008 at 01:29

i am that little figit on front row.some very familiar faces there on that photo,can remember it as if it was yesterday,beltin.

Comment by: christine jolley on 15th July 2010 at 20:32

Hello everyone I remember everyone of you from Christine Jolley Still friends with Paul Wilson and his wife and his Mum Irene who lives in Crooke village xx

Comment by: Julie Gibson on 28th March 2012 at 22:23

Me and lynn caddick are still very close friends after all these years, and we have never had a bad word to say about each other, good to hear from oldies lol xxx

Comment by: Gareth Cheetham on 29th July 2012 at 09:50

Cracking photo. I went to Crooke very briefly about ten years after this, but only for about half a year before we moved to Abram, but I always have fond memories of the place. My daughters went to a birthday party at the Methodist hall next door recently, and I had a walk round the school - It's tiny! amazing how your memory plays trick on you when you;re small.
Hello Paul Wilson by the way..regards from the Cheetham family

Comment by: Wendy Grant on 8th May 2020 at 14:38

Not sure if that's my mum margaret whittle second row

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