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Wigan Album
3 Comments![Railway](/album/3/ov2koghu.jpg)
Photo: Thomas Sutch
Photo: Thomas Sutch
Views: 3,958
Item #: 6048
Item #: 6048
Springs Branch drivers Frank Smith, left, and Bill Baxendale at Bold in May 1980.Frank was originally from Sutton Oak at St Helens, and Bill worked at all three sheds in Wigan, and long time ASLEF branch secretary.
Comment by: arthur on 29th June 2009 at 12:08
Bill is still going strong. he's the secretary of the Wigan branch of retired railway staff. Meetings take place at Morris St. Labour Club, second Thursay in the month at 2pm. See you thereQ
Comment by: Dave Stephens on 30th March 2015 at 15:27
Bill is my father in law. 88 this year retired at 65. He still runs the Pensioners meeting but now they meet at whelley Labour Club. 2nd or 3rd Thursday each month.
My dad Norman Taylor was a driver out of Springs Branch in the late 1940s/early 50s and died when I was 5, 1953. Anybody know of him? We lived in a railway cottage in Pemberton.Lots of memories and war info.
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