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Lower Ince


Lower Ince
Lower Ince
Photo: Karen
Views: 8,222
Item #: 5596

Comment by: Becka on 23rd March 2008 at 11:54

Where about is this ?

Comment by: RON on 23rd March 2008 at 13:22

Its looking up Ince Green Lane. The Manley pub is the one on the left. Took me some time to work out where it was.

Comment by: Carl Culshaw on 23rd March 2008 at 14:05

Its Ince Green Lane,looking up towards higher Ince.The picture appears to have been taken just before Lower Ince Station,with the Manly pub is on the lefthand side

Comment by: Joe Mills on 23rd March 2008 at 14:25

This is Ince Green Lane, Manley Street is the road on the left hand side, the building you can see on the left was the Manley hotel but now its called Incefield House a 24 hour emergency clinic, the walls of the bridge went many years ago, the railway line that passed underneath has also long gone and and the area is now grassed on both sides

Comment by: peter frost on 23rd March 2008 at 15:37

lookin up manley street towards ince parish church
manley pub on your left

Comment by: Roland on 23rd March 2008 at 15:40

This is on Ince Green lane, at the junction with Manley st. just before the old GC railway bridge. thats the Manley, it's now a clinic.

Comment by: Sinex on 23rd March 2008 at 16:29

Looks like Manley pub to me on Ince Green Lane.

Comment by: jm on 23rd March 2008 at 16:32

is this Higher Ince? is that the Manley pub and Ince Parish in the background.

Comment by: Jimmy on 23rd March 2008 at 16:33

This is looking up Ince Green Lane from the top of Manley St. The pub is the Manley Hotel.

Comment by: Paul Stebbing on 23rd March 2008 at 18:53

This would still be classed as Lower Ince, with Higher Ince in the distance.

Comment by: Aitch on 24th March 2008 at 01:04

The sign you can seeon the left is the regulations for the GC railway line which run under the road. Lower ince station is on the left down Junction terrace which is still there. One of my old drivers lived down there Harry Marriot any one remember him, he was a real gentleman.

Comment by: Sinex on 24th March 2008 at 12:48

Aitch I remember a Paul Marriot who I think still lives on Junction Terrace. I worked with him many moons ago. He was a jcb driver.

Comment by: roland on 25th March 2008 at 17:05

I think Aitch, you will find junction terr. on the right, to the left is Manley st. I also knew Harry Marriot, from Springs Branch.

Comment by: peter frost on 12th April 2008 at 22:28

there was a street running down the side of the manley pub this was called High street

Comment by: irene on 25th April 2008 at 19:59

the area over the wall opposite the manley was next to the old clinic and we used to call it "the little jungle".

Comment by: Kieran on 10th May 2008 at 10:49

I live opposite Manley Pub, Well now it's the 24hr clinic the street where i live nar hasn't been built in that pic yet the street is called Spindlewood Road.

Comment by: psharples on 25th July 2010 at 18:57

i wish i had a penny for every time my twin sister and i went up the lane

Comment by: eejayess on 25th November 2010 at 18:51

I lived in the Manley pub in the '50s when my dad was landlord

Comment by: Colin. on 29th October 2012 at 16:41

Didn't Rose Bridge rugby team use it as a clubhouse for a while?

Comment by: Jimmy Edwards on 24th November 2013 at 20:07

Junction Terrace is to the right of this photo I used to deliver papers there.The Station facing the Terrace was were the work men got the train to Irlam Steel Works.Ince station is on the left.top of the lane across from the Church.

Comment by: John Derbyshire on 8th October 2016 at 14:51

Used to live in ince green lane just a bit down from what was Mortons shop on the corner of Manley St and Ince Green Lane.

Comment by: Ellen McNicholas on 14th February 2024 at 20:32

What year did the Manley pub open

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