Photos of Wigan
Photos of Wigan
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Wigan Album
Lower Ince
Ince St Mary's Walking Day, 1950.
Photo: David Long
Photo: David Long
Views: 6,545
Item #: 55
Item #: 55
Ince St Mary's Walking Day, 1950. Probably taken from the parapet of the railway bridge across Warrington Road north of St Mary's School (to the right). Beyond it is the Lodge House for Ince Urban District's Cemetery - and in the centre in the distance is the old St. Mary's - built in 1887, demolished because of mining subsidence, in 1978. The wall to the left is around the Hall of Ince, where the Vicar lived until 1944. The band is that of the Church Lads Brigade.
The lady behind the big drummer is my sister Florence, she is leading out the lifeboys, which she helped to run.
My sister Margaret Hayes [now Daniel]is at the back on the left in the tricorn hat
Comment by: built up shoe on 5th April 2010 at 16:58
me and my wife where very good friend,s with florence and sister margerie r.i.p
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