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Photos of Wigan
Photos of Wigan

Wigan Album

park colliery(stones)


mine visitors
mine visitors
Photo: fred foster
Views: 4,190
Item #: 5428
Colin Gore (overman) far left. Cliff green (undermanager)3rd from left. The others were visitors from Eastern Europe.

Comment by: Dougie on 14th March 2008 at 20:20

Fred can make out Wirrrr is that not Harry Barrow next to the end,just pulled the baths down last week still some of the old buildings up

Comment by: fred foster on 15th March 2008 at 14:37

No, it isn't Harry Barrow. Harry always wore riding breeches, as did Ronnie Heaton.It was said that once, Harry, Cliff and Ronnie were stood by the edge of the rip, someone said "look at that OXO. Ronnie was knock kneed and the others were bandy!!

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