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St Matthews, Highfield


Nativity Play
Nativity Play
Photo: Stephen Kirk
Views: 6,016
Item #: 5182
School nativity play early 1970's

Comment by: Elayne on 21st February 2008 at 10:37

A wonderful photo Stephen, I left Highfield in 74 but those costumes where still in use until a few years back! Got photos of my own kids wearing them in the Nativity!

Comment by: fred foster on 21st February 2008 at 11:48

Stephen, can you add a few names to the picture, so we can identify them!

Comment by: Elayne on 21st February 2008 at 12:57

Mary looks like Jane Carruthers that was, now Unsworth, her grandad{?} was Jimmy Muldoon the caretaker . . correct me if I am wrong!

Comment by: jim muldoon on 28th February 2008 at 20:11

Philip Lancaster as Joseph my niece Jayne Unsworth nee Carruthers as Mary.

Comment by: Stephen Kirk on 8th March 2008 at 12:46

This is from my brother Andrew's time at Highfield and the names he remembers are, from left to right:-
Andrew Kirk,David Eaves,Angels n/k,Phillip Lancaster(Joseph),Jane Carruthers(Mary),Gail Rodgers(Angel at Back),Ian Massey(shepherd stood up,Michael Jenks(next to crib(right)),Andrew Unsworth(front right end)

Comment by: cenac on 11th April 2008 at 18:51

rh side; Kathryn Fouracre
Left of philip Lancaster (joseph) was Karen Ryan (angel)

Comment by: Margaret Welsby on 11th April 2008 at 22:22

2nd from left is David Welsby not David Eaves.

Comment by: cenac on 12th May 2008 at 19:41

That's right. he was in my class!

Comment by: trollydolly on 28th June 2008 at 21:19

gosh,what a shock.....i was in this class, i cant remember many names but im on the left of the crib knelt down at the front - Lesley Mason.

Comment by: Elayne on 28th June 2008 at 21:59

Sorry but I would never had said that was you . . . where you in Janes year? Thought you were younger . . .

Comment by: trollydolly on 1st July 2008 at 11:33

yep,thats me, iv bin rackin my brains for other names,2nd one the rightfront row i think is Gary Withington(i think thats his name)he used to live on valley rd,is the 4th one on the left Gillian Ashcroft????

Comment by: Margaet on 15th July 2008 at 13:59

KAY Wright, first angel on left,next is Tracy Mills

Comment by: Louise Lynch (was Lancaster) on 16th May 2009 at 12:18

This group must come from different classes, as Ruth Houghton (Angel 5th from left ) was in my year, not Phil's

Comment by: tracy mills on 1st May 2010 at 21:52

wot a lovely picture really took me back i can only recognise kay wright, jane curruthers and phillip lancaster

Comment by: nelly on 29th November 2010 at 23:49

seems so long ago now still in touch with o lot of those faces in the photo

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