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Walmsley Park 3
Walmsley Park 3
Photo: dk
Views: 3,091
Item #: 5002
1957 and other fountain. It was a grand day for photography.

Comment by: Joseph on 12th February 2008 at 11:32

Sorry DK this is the fountain i meant with the peeing boy,the "Bandstand was through the path to the left through the bushes,didn't spot this photo sorry but thanks great photos.

Comment by: dk on 13th February 2008 at 00:50

Hindley 1907 Alan Godfrey map clearly marks the bandstand just where you say - taking a left turn here it stands alone in the field. It's a real shame there's no picture but perhaps the bandstand had gone by then. I'd like to have seen it.

Comment by: Joseph on 13th February 2008 at 20:46

I think the Bandstand was removed in the the mid sixties Dk,but you can still see the imprint in the grass where it was.

Comment by: Christine Marshall on 7th November 2015 at 21:26

My grandfather, John Hart, was the gardener at Walmsley Park till he retired in the 60's.

Comment by: Terry Halsall on 16th December 2017 at 11:53

The bandstand was indeed to the left of the photo through a gap in the Rhododendron bushes , I lived in East View just a short distance away & remember a band playing there as a child , I was born in 1948 so it was probably mid fifties .
The schools held their sports days in the park then and lots of people came to watch , it was a very busy place in mid summer in those days .

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