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Highfield Junior School


Highfield Junior School, 1980
Highfield Junior School, 1980
Photo: Fred Foster
Views: 3,658
Item #: 4916
Old Highfield School just before demolition, 1980.

Comment by: roy ainscough on 17th July 2009 at 15:58

great shot.Top Miss Bartons room on the left,Bottom Miss Bartons next then the back of the old hall or the first years classroom behind a sliding glass partition then beyond that Miss Savages empire?Roy

Comment by: roy ainscough on 17th July 2009 at 16:46

great shot.Top Miss Bartons room on the left,Bottom Miss Bartons next then the back of the old hall or the first years classroom behind a sliding glass partition then beyond that Miss Savages empire?Roy

Comment by: nelly on 26th November 2010 at 16:15

the classroom on the left was mrs rimmers for a long time

Comment by: Stuart Noone on 2nd December 2011 at 14:42

I grew up from birth in the early 70's to 80's living on St.Matthews Close backing onto the side of the school, lovely to see these photo's before the old school was demolished and rebuilt.

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