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Map - Grant Street, Higher Ince
Map - Grant Street, Higher Ince
Photo: Keith Beckett
Views: 3,514
Item #: 4720
1952 Street Map of Grant Street, Higher Ince

Comment by: A Bolton on 22nd January 2008 at 13:24

I wonder Keith why CHARLES ST which was off Pickup St is not named on the Map?Charles St was also so not a through into Ince Green lane as shown on the Map!

Comment by: June on 4th April 2008 at 19:34

Thanks for the map,my grandmothers family lived at no.23 Crown Street and I always wondered where it was until I saw this map ! Thanks again.

Comment by: Ann Miller on 11th February 2018 at 23:35

This is 1952 and Ince Central School wasn't built yet, Charles Street was created when the school was built I believe

Comment by: Elizabeth on 9th October 2019 at 19:59

Charles Street, off Pickup Street is on the 1894 map on here, article 8688

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