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Barges at Westwood
Barges at Westwood
Photo: Dave Green
Views: 2,110
Item #: 4660
Canal barges at Westwood Power Station

Comment by: John Taylor on 1st October 2009 at 21:40

The coal was still brought to the power station by barge until the mid to late 1970;s

Comment by: D J FILLINGHAM on 25th March 2013 at 20:13

this is were we used to wait for a barge in the summer holidays, when we got through the swing bridge and locks at Poolstock the bargee would hand over the tiller and I would take the barge on to Plank Lane to fill up, and make the return journey to Poolstock locks the bargee then took over to the power station. the bargee's got paid one shilling per ton and the barge's held 56 to 60 tons and they worked 6 days a week, they paid us 30 shillings if we went with them all week.

Comment by: AP on 2nd December 2013 at 12:19

Ah for the day when you could throw an electrical switch, and smile in the knowledge that you were burning Bickershaw coal, but in a comfortable and convenient way.

Comment by: ian on 12th January 2014 at 16:52

what a great building that was, I am sure it was designed by sir Giles Gilbert Scott, the man behind battersea, and Liverpool anglican catherdral, anyone confirm?

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