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All Saints School


Headmaster Arthur Rigby
Headmaster Arthur Rigby
Photo: Brian Acton
Views: 4,197
Item #: 4147
Mr Rigby was headmaster at All Saints from the school opening in 1932 until his retirement in 1957.A strict but fair disciplinarian, who's mere presence or sight of him approaching, guaranteed silence and order from the boys.

Comment by: Keith Guest on 26th October 2007 at 01:45

Owd Knocker Rigby he were a cure for constipation he were. Cause if you were sent to his office you fair sh*t youself.

Comment by: Peter Hesketh on 2nd May 2010 at 12:59

Mr. Rigby is a good man/He goes to church on Sundays / He prays to god to give him strength/To belt us all on Mondays

Comment by: maurice kobelt on 5th September 2012 at 12:44

Iwas an evacuee to All Saints in Oct.1940, and the first thing Mr.Rigby ask`d me was did I read "Key-Hole Kate" in the Dandy comic! as I was new to Wigan He even went to the trouble of seeing me home on the Bus. A great Headmaster.

Comment by: frederick howarth on 15th January 2014 at 12:37

In the four years I spent at Allsaints he spoke to me directly only once at the end of my final year when he told me he didn't think much of my choice of a career in farming. Fat lot he and his staff did towards providing any careers guidance or support. A few factory visits provided reinforcement to the idea we were fit for nothing other than unskilled work. In the four years I was their in the 50's one kid only turned up very occasionally, he worked throughout most of his school career on the canal barges. Sorry if I sound bitter but Rigby oversaw an unjust system of education in which you succeeded despite your education not because of it.
The great mystery to me is what did Rigby do each day for all of those years as the educational practice and Sec Mod ideal was set in stone at Allsaints so nothing much to manage. 1932 to 1957, 25 years of achieving sod all.

Comment by: David woods on 6th August 2015 at 16:06

Contrary to some of the comments, lol sings provide a soun all round education which in many ways was superior to that at the grammar school! Arthur rugby was an excellent head.

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