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Alexander "Jock" Lyons
Photo: Linda Maguire
Views: 4,017
Item #: 3580
Very first photo of my father in police uniform in 1948. Served in Wigan Police which became Lancashire constabulary and then Greater Manchester Police.

Comment by: Charles O'Leary on 28th July 2007 at 22:23

Linda, your Dad and I worked together for many years at Pemberton.Both he and I started the Charge office on the amalgamation in Harrogate St Station and only left it when we both got promoted. He to Inspector and I to Sgt. I have many happy memories of us working together. I remember your mum and also you as a little girl and young woman.

Comment by: Alex Lyons on 7th February 2011 at 15:43

I'm the other Alexander Lyons(Charlie's son)who joined the police too. I can't believe I came across this photo of my uncle! Our family seem to lose touch after dad died and I had no way of getting in touch. Let me know if you want to catch up. email as above. I recognised him; I have a photo of him on points duty with white sleeves.

Comment by: christine bishop on 19th February 2011 at 16:41

i lived in pem , and remember a bobby jock , wonder if its the same .i was only young .

Comment by: Linda on 7th June 2011 at 19:43

Hi Alex long time no see! I think it would have been slightly different in the Strathclyde Police compared to the little Pem nick in the 1950's :)..I've sent you an email x

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