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Wrightington Hospital


Wrightington Hospital
Wrightington Hospital
Photo: kath byrne
Views: 5,856
Item #: 3577
In the first bed is Frances Moss.It was about 1955.It was when Wrightington was a T.B.isolation hospital,I remember she had a lung removed.she stayed in for a long time.but she is still alive and kicking today and has just had her 80th birthday.Not bad going eh!

Comment by: joan barnes on 26th August 2009 at 23:53

if I am not mistaken this picture looks like the ward I stayed on it is D ward, it was 1963 I had a hip opperation when I was 12 yrs old, the ward sisters were Siter Pendlebury and Siser Seargeant, we used to have school lessons during the week and on a Sunday the Nuns came to give us religious ed. it is a great Hospital Mr Knowles was my surgeon then I have since been in for another Hip Opp the Drs and nursing staff do a marvellous job and the league of Friends do a lot of fund raising I owe a great debt of gratitude to this fine hospital

Comment by: Dave on 1st October 2009 at 21:59

Don't think that's D Ward, looks more like Ward 5

Comment by: John on 21st May 2014 at 10:48

Thank you for sharing this photo. If this was around 1955/56, then my grandmother would have been in at a similar time, she was known as Betty/Beatrice Maddern, at the time she was living in Blackpool, originally from Edinburgh. Sadly she died of TB in January of 1956, we're still trying to find out where she was buried.

Comment by: whups on 11th December 2015 at 15:44

hi joan , i was in with perthes disease in the mid-60s. sister sergant was on that ward i was on . it was e ward. she,s still going i believe.

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