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Wigan Album

St Mary's Church, Lower Ince


St Mary's Church Spring View
St Mary's Church Spring View
Views: 800
Item #: 35217
A rare image of the now demolished church

Comment by: Irene Roberts on 14th July 2024 at 13:43

My brother was married there in 1961, and my Dad's family were all christened there except, sadly, my Dad who was born in 1908 before his parents were married, (they married in 1910). Things were so different back then....my grandad's name wasn't on my Dad's birth certificate because Dad was born "out of wedlock" and Dad was told by the teachers at St. Mary's school, (which belonged to the church), as a very small child, that he would go to a place called "Limbo" when he died because he wasn't christened. He was also punished regularly by the teachers because he was left-handed. So much for "the church's teachings"!

Comment by: Colin Traynor on 14th July 2024 at 14:21

Stunning church building, the spire reminds me of quite a few churches in France. Such a sad loss loss, demolished before anyone could find an alternative use. I wonder if there are any photo's of the interior.

Comment by: Veronica on 14th July 2024 at 18:02

That is a sad tale Irene. Life could be very cruel in days gone by. I had a Grt aunt who had a child out of wedlock. It was as if the child took the blame on their shoulders…she did marry someone else but I think he would have been something of an ‘outcast’ with other children that were born to her.
My maternal grandparents were married in that church. It would be nice to see the inside.

Comment by: Irene Roberts on 14th July 2024 at 20:22

Thankyou Veronica. My Dad made reference to the "Limbo" connection many times in his life so he obviously never forgot it. What a terrible thing to tell a small child! When my son was christened in 1977 I learned that people can receive baptism at any age and thought of asking the vicar if he would christen my Dad too, but Dad was a very private man and was nearly 70 when Jamie was christened, (he was 44 when I was born), and he wouldn't have wanted the fuss. He was the gentlest, kindest man you could meet but he lived all his life with the threat of this so-called "Limbo" hanging over him from silly, thoughtless teachers at St. Mary's. They wouldn't dare tell a child that these days.

Comment by: John on 15th July 2024 at 09:06

Shocking Irene.

Comment by: Jay cee on 15th July 2024 at 14:17

I was born and raised within 100 yards of the church in 1942 until I married in 1963 . I can remember a lot of good times and some hard onesì3 but all in all a good place to live I along with 2 sisters and 3 brothers were christened there my mum was also given her funeral there . Happyy times now gone.

Comment by: Jay cee on 15th July 2024 at 15:22

The photo appears to hame been taken facing the back f the church and the church was being prepared frdemolision, because the road toward the cameraman goes down to the wagon works, the rad to the right was neve there as i remember.

Comment by: Irene Roberts on 15th July 2024 at 16:28

Jay cee, you might have known the girl my brother married at St. Mary's in 1961 as she was a Spring View girl. Her name was Pat Cooksey. I also had aunties, uncles and cousins in Taylors Lane and Hope Street....the Griffiths family and the Gittoes family. You may have known them.

Comment by: Cyril on 15th July 2024 at 17:08

Colin & Veronica, there are photos of the interior and exterior on the Album, link:-

My wife and I were also married there in September 1977, just before it closed.

Comment by: RON HUNT on 15th July 2024 at 18:51

I was married there in September 1973...

Comment by: tom on 15th July 2024 at 19:22

married there in 1967 by mr wagstaff

Comment by: Keith Carter on 16th July 2024 at 18:59

Lived in walmesley street and had many happy hours playing in the old gardens at the rear of the church. Mr Wagstaff taught me R.E. At St Mary’s infants school mid 60s

Comment by: jay cee on 16th July 2024 at 19:18

Hi Irene, I only vaguely remember the Griffiths but it is a long time since i left Sprng View. I do rember a family named Johnson who lived in Balls Cottages at the top of Taylors lane

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