Wigan Album
Item #: 35192
Probably the 1940s. Looks as though traffic lights had yet to be installed on Scholes crossing.
Can anyone say what roads are shown on there please? And what is there nowadays? I have a fascination for the old Scholes but didn't really know it.
Irene the crossroads is Scholes crossing
The original Amy Lane is there. There’s no telephone box at the point where the traffic lights would be. I used that quite a lot in the mid sixties. The Bluebell Pub is plain to see on the corner.
Thanks Veronica, Ron and DerekB....I just needed to get my bearings. I am fascinated by the Old Scholes.
There’s nothing left of the old terraced housing. Only the patch of land and the roads are left Irene. It’s good to be reminded of how it was before it was decimated. All those houses on School Lane and Warrington Lane and the families who lived in them. They couldn’t have squeezed them all in the tall flats.
As with the photo posted by Ron of Rodney Street, I can confirm that this photo was taken in 1958, one of a series of aerial photo's of Wigan for the Murrayfield Real Estate Co. proposals for the redevelopment of Wigan Town Centre.
Events today have overtaken me in a good way, so will catch up tomorrow.
The first row was Bold St. My late father Norman Cunliffe lived at no 17. I believe that no 17 was just below the W in World.