Wigan Album
Item #: 34966
My Grandad Mr Lawson was the Station Master some 70 / 80 years ago
lived across the road at 91 Church Street
Hello Norman, glad to see that you are still knocking about....
Hi Gareth,
Still batting thanks, hope you are well
The memories that this brought back! When I was in my early 20's I used to commute from Orrell to Liverpool. I'd catch the train somewhere between six and seven (can't remember if I left the house at 6:30 or that's when the train was) I'd catch the 5:30 back from Central Station. Mum would have my tea on a plate perched on top of a pan with a big lid over it to keep it warm. It was the same people at the station every day, we all stood in the same spots on the platform. Some talked, most read the newspaper.
They’d all be texting on their smartphones now Graham, as nobody appears to engage in conversation these days as far as I can see .
What year are you talking about, Graham? It would have been Exchange Station that you travelled from if it was pre 1977. And then Central via Kirkby after the Mersey Rail development.
Jarvo - it was 1978 to 1982. Yes, change from diesel to electric at Kirkby then Mersey Rail to Central station. My favourite part of the journey was the elevated track going into the city, the old red brick warehouses and the Tate and Lyle factory.
No smartphones, I remember one time there was a train broken down between Rainford and Upholland. The train from Kirkby dumped us all at Rainford station and the driver said they would send a bus. We all went to the Junction Pub to wait. I got home at midnight and mum was pitching a fit because, no mobile phones and the payphone in the pub was broken.