Wigan Album
Westwood Power Station
Photo: Cyril
Item #: 34423
That takes some guts.
Nice one Cyril! I worked at Westwood Power Station at that time but I don’t remember this happening nor being talked about. Memory fade is a bit depressing isn’t it.
Smiles now until he reaches the top. I would say leave it to the professionals.
Think I'd sooner be in the electric chair. Very brave men.
I know it’s Daniel, but he looks exactly like another Wigan Observer photographer at that time - Jeff Somers.
I was at school with Jeff Summers. I thought it was him.
Chap on the left looks very happy total contrast to the chap in the lift when he arrives at the top.
Am glad I’m not alone Philip in thinking it’s Jeff. Can’t get over the similarity.
Anne and Philip C, I wasn't 100% sure of the photographers name and you got me thinking.
Yes, you are right the photographer looking on is Jeff Somers, my apologies to all.
Anne and Philip C, take a look at some Wigan Observer employees at Woods Street by Colin Harlow, Under Printers Item Number 18463.
You might see the chap your looking for and could name some others.
I wouldn't like Cyril to put the lottery on, he'll probably go to the betting office instead.
Maybe Daniel took the photo of Jeff and Geoff, Cyril.
I was at school with Jeff Summers. I thought it was him.
I don't throw money away on the lottery Arthur. Though if I did then yes I certainly would go to a betting shop, and to play the Irish Lottery, I would probably have a lot more chances of winning something too.
Geoff Shryhane actually told me he was Jeff Somers/Summers too, but Jeff and Daniel do look very similar, and lately I've been reading about Daniel Meadows and his iconic northern and other photographs over the last 50 years and he's been speaking at Oxford, et te voilà.
Here's Daniel's famous iconic Wigan photograph that's been seen around the world. https://collections.vam.ac.uk/item/O153305/wall-advertisement-wigan-photograph-meadows-daniel/
He's taken some excellent photos, https://vimeo.com/111611363
So glad it’s confirmed it’s Jeff, he was a good and very close friend of my first husband and did our wedding photos in 1978. So good to see him in the photos, it brought back so many lovely memories of evenings in the mid 70s in the Cherry Gardens! Happy days.
Anne I went to the Cherries a lot in the mid 70’s. I last saw Jeff Summers in the Cherries. Do you recognise my name ?
Anne I went to the Cherries a lot in the mid 70’s. I last saw Jeff Summers in the Cherries. Do you recognise my name ?
There was a Phil in the group I was with, it also included Francis Glover, Steve Mills, others were Paddy, Reg who unfortunately was killed and Bruno who lived down Rectory Lane, there was also Pete Aspinall and Ian Wilson.
Anne. I m not that Phil. What a pity the Cherry Gardens is not as vibrant as it once was.
I met Geoff Shryhane many years ago covering the History of the Wigan Observer, with his help I managed to complete some great stories for my research from what was then the greatest newspaper in Britain the Wigan Observer. Geoff is a great friend and as you can see very brave, I wish him all the very best in his retirement but miss Wigan World page in the Observer. Thanks Geoff have a well deserved rest.