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Photos of Wigan
Photos of Wigan

Wigan Album

Walkers Engineering.


Walkers Train year unknown.
Walkers Train year unknown.
Photo: Barrie
Views: 1,251
Item #: 34354
Came across this photo in Fathers collection. No information written on the back but he started working at Walkers in the drawing office in March 1955 having left Northern Counties. I'm intrigued as other photographs on this subject in WW Album show a different frontage. Was this destined for South America?

Comment by: Ray on 1st April 2023 at 19:21

Barrie, This set of railcars are similar to some that Walkers built for
the Isle Of Man. Have a look on the " Walkers Engineering " section
on here. Cheers, Ray.

Comment by: Pw on 2nd April 2023 at 08:31

It looks like it is on a different gauge rail so could be for another country.The doors look like they are for high platforms.Wonder what colour the livery was?

Comment by: Rev David Long on 2nd April 2023 at 08:34

Thom's book on Massey's has the full list of builds at the end - see: https://www.mdsbooks.co.uk/pub/media/Massey_Brothers.pdf
Walker railcar builds are listed for Peru and Brazil in 1937 and 38.

Comment by: Barrie on 2nd April 2023 at 17:24

Rev, I have the Massey book and new of their involvement in coach work for the railcars at Walkers. However, I "had a bright light moment" this afternoon and Googled "Walker Engineers Wigan" and it came with the photo above. They were built for "Victorian Railways Australia in 1948-52 under an order placed by the rail company with Walker Engineering for their Railmotor. I can only assume Father was given the photo when he joined Walker Bros in 1955.

Comment by: Stuart on 6th June 2023 at 14:37

Sorry, Ray, but Walkers never built diesel trains for the Isle of Man. What DID happen was that Walkers built diesel units for several narrow gauge railways in the Republic of Ireland in the late 1940s and early 1950s and the two that went to the Isle of Man were bought from the County Donegal Railways Joint Committee in the early 1960s with a view to using them on a commuter service to/from Douglas. that never happened and they are still housed in Douglas.

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