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St Andrew's C of E School


St. Andrew's School, 1940s.
St. Andrew's School, 1940s.
Photo: Barbara Guy (nee Singleton)
Views: 11,395
Item #: 342
My class at St Andrew's School - it would be a later one taken in the 1940's. I have some of the names on this one, they are:

Back row: L-R Michael Donovan, Brian Topping, Ernest ?, Robert Whalley, Brian Whittle, Brian Finch, Derek Williams, Brian Gore, Philip?.

Next Row: L-R Derek Evans, Russell Rigby, Neville Lawlor, ?, John Strong, Brian Shacklady, Robert Walsh, David Hesketh, Billy Prescott, Michael Leigh.

Next Row: L-R Barbara Latchford, ?, Shirley Griffiths, Edna Winstanly, Margare Meadows, Doris Greenwood, Barbara Singleton, Doreen Wilde, Margaret Jamieson.

Front Row: L-R Maureen ?, Joan Roberts, Jean Packingham, Ann Barrow, Brenda Gaskell, Doris Farrimond, June Finch.

Comment by: g. bolton on 28th March 2007 at 21:53

The lad on the top row named as Ernest? is my brother Ernest bolton.

Comment by: Lynn on 20th April 2007 at 21:43

does any one remember Robert Whalley ?

Comment by: carolyn cooper on 25th April 2007 at 15:15

Brenda Gaskell is my mother in law and still lives in Sprilgfield. Her grandchildren attend St Andrews

Comment by: john strong on 1st October 2007 at 04:50

wonderful to come across this photo and whilst i might not have recognised the faces the names were certainly familiar. i left england in 1956 and have lived in canada and australia since. am presently living in australia and would love to hear from anyone via my e-mail

Comment by: carol burns on 20th May 2009 at 02:36

second row ? is Phillip Bannister

Comment by: Allan Gore on 18th November 2009 at 21:44

back row Allan Gore(not Brian) second row from front Mary Egerton ? front row Maureen Anders

Comment by: Roy Hesketh on 14th May 2010 at 09:14

My wife found this school photo, and was delighted to find my brother David on the photo. He was killed when he was 19, on a motorbike. I myself had one along with the rest fo my brothers. We have managed to acquire a few old photos for a scrapbook my wife is making of the family history. We have a photo of David with his motorbike just before he died and he hadnt changed from his school photo. Thanks for the person donating it.Roy

Comment by: Peter Barton on 27th January 2014 at 09:28

Doris Farrimond. Does anybody have information on Doris Farrimond. I'm looking for a Doris Farrimond B1943 from Southport. She would be an aunts half sister.

Comment by: Andrew Heyes on 14th June 2020 at 21:46

Fabulous to see this photo. Derek Williams (Third from the right on the back row) was my uncle. Sadly he passed away in 2017. My mum, Shirley Heyes (nee Williams) was his sister.

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